Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Study of clinical features of patients with COVID‑19 hospitalized in an educational hospital in Iran
BACKGROUND: The outbreak of new pathogens or the resurgence of pathogens that have alreadyspread is a serious challenge to public health. Coronavirus is a pathogen that seems to invade ... Read MoreThe contribution of physical and sports education to health education of Moroccan middle school students: Representations and practices of teachers
BACKGROUND: Physical education is undergoing a major transformation period that leads thatschool discipline to influence the lifestyles of young people to help them adopt behaviors ... Read MoreSocial media exposure and mental health problems during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Indonesia
BACKGROUND: Several preventive measures were used by governments around the world tosuppress the transmission of SARS‑CoV‑2, including quarantine. During quarantine more peopleare ... Read MoreContext, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model in medical education: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: Evaluation is one of the most important tools for determining the quality of anyeducational program, which can lead to reformation, revision, or termination of programs. ... Read MoreCapturing the patient’s voice: Kano Analysis of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey
BACKGROUND: Traditional methods are not able to differentiate which feature customers regardas attractive, mandatory, performance, and which feature customers are indifferent about. ... Read MoreThe effect of peer group on self‑care behaviors and glycemic index in elders with type II diabetes
BACKGROUND: Diabetes is one of the most expensive and chronic diseases of elderly age.Knowledge and self‑care behaviors play an important role in treating diabetes and preventing ... Read MoreThe effects of educational intervention on breast self‑examination and mammography behavior: Application of an integrated model
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women and it is thesecond leading cause of mortality among cancers in women and a major health issue in developedcountries. ... Read MoreProfile and antibiotic‑resistance pattern of bacteria isolated from endotracheal secretions of mechanically ventilated patients at a tertiary care hospital
BACKGROUND: Critically ill patients on mechanical‑ventilation are always at a higher risk ofacquiring ventilator‑associated respiratory infections. The current study was intended ... Read MoreCoronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy: Maternal and perinatal outcome
BACKGROUND: Since the advent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) infection, there isdebate whether pregnancy outcome in COVID‑19 is more severe as compared to general population.Pregnant ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between the ethical atmosphere of the hospital and the ethical behavior of Iranian nurses
BACKGROUND: The ethical guidelines and ethical atmosphere of the hospital affect the qualityof nursing care. Improving the health of patients in most cases depends on the observance ... Read MoreChallenges of postgraduate emergency nursing program in Iran: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Some nursing schools in Iran with the aim of training qualified nurses have set upmaster’s degrees in emergency nursing. In any case, there are challenges in the implementationof ... Read MoreInvestigating the effects of dust storms on morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases: A systematic review
New epidemiological studies acknowledge the detrimental effects of dust storms on health.The aim of this study was to systematically review the effects of dust storms on the morbidityand ... Read MoreEpidemiological factors influencing gender preference among mothers attending under‑five immunization clinic: A cross‑sectional comparative study
BACKGROUND: Sex ratio is an important social indicator measuring the status and equality offemale in society. The falling sex ratio of our country is a demographic disaster that is ... Read MoreImprovement of medication error reporting: An applied motivation program in pediatric units
BACKGROUND: The rate of reporting medication errors is lower than the actual rate. The role ofeducation, encouragement, and promotion of reporting culture can contribute to the increase ... Read MorePredictors of cognitive emotion regulation strategies: Iranian nurses
BACKGROUND: Nurses have a challenging job and encounter more stressful situations. Inresponse to these situations, they demonstrate adaptive or maladaptive cognitive emotion regulationstrategies ... Read MoreDesigning flipped classroom using Kemp’s instructional model to enhance deep learning and self‑directed collaborative learning of basic science concepts
BACKGROUND: The flipped classroom pedagogy allows students to introduce a topic and gathertheir own meanings outside of the classroom, then explore the topic and create their meaningsor ... Read MoreAssessment of cognitive and psychomotor domains regarding biomedical waste management and hand hygiene among various categories of health‑care professionals at a tertiary care center in Northern India
BACKGROUND: Health care‑associated infections (HAIs) are associated with high morbidity,mortality, and costs in the health‑care sector. Large proportions of HAIs are preventable ... Read MoreThe status of relationship between coping strategies and quality of life in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has a profound effect on patients’ quality oflives; and it is important to identify the affecting factors. The aim of this study was ... Read MoreExistential anxiety amid COVID‑19 pandemic in Kashmir: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Existential anxiety (EA) revolves around the question of ultimate concern relatedto life and death. It gets more prominent when there is an exposure to stressful experiences ... Read MoreEffectiveness of video modules in infection control trainings during COVID‑19 pandemic: A quasi‑experimental study in tertiary care institute
BACKGROUND: Continuous pertinent trainings for infection prevention and control (IPC) measuresare essential to ensure quality health‑care services along with the safety of the health ... Read MoreContent analysis of the official curriculum of undergraduate degree in Iran’s medical sciences universities from the perspective of social health: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Social health is considered as an important part of good health both individuallyand socially. The purpose of this study was to examine the content of the official medical ... Read MoreShedding light on the causes of academic procrastination among nursing students: A qualitative descriptive study
BACKGROUND: Academic procrastination is a complex phenomenon and a common behavior amongnursing students. Due to procrastinating behaviors, students cannot show their real performances ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of training academic honesty using two workshop and virtual training methods on the knowledge and attitude of M. S. students
BACKGROUND: Nowadays, one of the most important challenges of the universities and highereducation centers is academic dishonesty among students. Academic dishonesty is done throughcheating, ... Read MoreNotifiable diseases interoperable framework toward improving Iran public health surveillance system: Lessons learned from COVID‑19 pandemic
BACKGROUND: Direct transmission of notifiable disease information in a real‑time and reliable wayto public health decision‑makers is imperative for early identification of epidemiological ... Read MoreThe chunampet community health information management system: A health and demographic surveillance system from a rural South India
BACKGROUND: Developed countries have strong health and demographic surveillancesystem (HDSS), whereas there is a dearth of such system in developing countries like India. Indiadepends ... Read MoreThe effectiveness of mindfulness training on coping with stress, exam anxiety, and happiness to promote health
BACKGROUND: Mindfulness as an intervention approach in mental health has been increasinglyused to promote health in young people. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness ... Read MoreExploring the surgical residents’ experience of teaching and learning process in the operating room: A grounded theory study
BACKGROUND: Despite the development of valuable teaching methods and assessment tools inthe field of surgery education, yet unpreparedness for independence practice by surgical residentsremains ... Read MoreWhy people are becoming addicted to social media: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Social media addiction (SMA) led to the formation of health‑threatening behaviorsthat can have a negative impact on the quality of life and well‑being. Many factors ... Read MoreDetermining the relationship between emotional intelligence and interpersonal sensitivity with quality of work life in nurses
BACKGROUND: Emotional intelligence and interpersonal sensitivity are known as important nursingskills. They have significant role in the promotion of nurses working life and the health ... Read MoreEvaluation of clinical outcomes of neonates born to mothers with coronavirus (COVID‑19) in Shahid Beheshti Hospitals
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus, which is caused by acute respiratory syndrome, appeared inWuhan, China, in December 2019 and gradually spread around the world until almost all countriesbecame ... Read MoreLifestyle intervention for gestational diabetes prevention in rural woman of Shoush city
BACKGROUND: Physical activity and nutrition interventions are the most important ways to preventgestational diabetes. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of healthy ... Read MoreRole of mental health in prediction of sexual function in infertile women, Babol, Iran
BACKGROUND: Infertility is one of the main concerns in women’s lives that may lead to psychologicalimbalance and disrupt their sexual relationship. The study was conducted with ... Read MorePrevalence of peripheral artery disease in patients with infectious diabetic foot ulcer in Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah during 2019–2020
BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the main public health troubles diabetic footulcer (DFU) is one of the most important and relatively common causes of hospitalization. This ... Read MoreAge‑standardized mortality rate and predictors of mortality among COVID‑19 patients in Iran
BACKGROUND: To have a thorough understanding of epidemic surveillance, it is essential to broadenour knowledge of death tolls worldwide. This study aimed to determine the age‑standardized ... Read MoreLearning with lockdown: Utility of whatsApp status‑based multiple‑choice question discussion on COVID‑19 among medical students and teaching faculty
BACKGROUND: Following the COVID‑19 pandemic, the Government of India announced lockdownfrom March 25, 2020, which included measures such as social distancing, canceling mass gatherings,and ... Read MoreThe effect of self‑care self‑efficacy program on life satisfaction of the Iranian elderly
BACKGROUND: With the increase in the elderly population in the world and the consequent increasein diseases and their physical and mental problems, improving self‑care behaviors by ... Read MoreProviding and promoting health‑oriented services by nongovernmental organizations: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Benefactors of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are the hidden public healthpromotion systems. These benefactors are the symbol and intermediary of people participation, ... Read MoreThe effect of positive psychology intervention on quality of life among women with unintended pregnancy
BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that quality of life in women with unintended pregnancy issignificantly less than the ones with wanted gestation. Therefore, this study was aimed to determinethe ... Read MoreThe effect of face‑to‑face and telephone counseling on the desire for adoption in infertile couples
BACKGROUND: Fertility is always one of the most important functions of the family. Having achild equals growing up and entering the adult world. Adoption is one of the methods that ... Read MoreEntry level nursing graduate students’ perception and readiness toward online component of blended learning: A mixed method study
BACKGROUND: Blended learning (BL), the integration of online with face to face teaching, isestablished as a teaching method in higher education. Understanding the learner’s readinesstoward ... Read MoreCOVID‑19 ‑ Opportunity for online education: Do not forget the ethical considerations in teaching learners
Read MoreOttawa prenatal educator e‑survey: Experiences and perceptions of public health nurses and allied childbirth educators
BACKGROUND: Prenatal education provides opportunities for health promotion of healthy behaviorsand risk reduction. Quality and coherence with prenatal health promotion best practices ... Read MoreThe impact of service quality provided by health‑care centers and physicians on patient satisfaction
BACKGROUND: Patient satisfaction is a comprehensive measurement of patients’ happiness withthe level of health care delivered to them both inside and outside the physician’s ... Read MoreAssessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19 among paramedical staff in Central India: A cross-sectional, online survey
BACKGROUND: Knowledge of a disease can influence paramedic’s attitudes and practices, andincorrect attitudes and practices directly increase the risk of infection. Understanding ... Read MoreDevelopment of leading indicators for the assessment of occupational health performance using Reason’s Swiss cheese model
BACKGROUND: The Swiss cheese model of accident causation is a model used in risk analysisand risk management, including aviation safety, engineering, healthcare, and emergency serviceorganizations, ... Read MoreTreatment of opium addiction in persian medicine: A review study
Drug abuse is one of the most important threats to human beings today, leading to disability andeven early death. In the past, opium had only therapeutic uses, but now, drug addiction ... Read MoreUtilizing social media platforms to promote mental health awareness and help seeking in underserved communities during the COVID‑19 pandemic
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 virus has resulted in significant psychological distress for manyindividuals, particularly, those in underserved communities. Social media have the potential ... Read MoreImpact of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic on classroom teaching: Challenges of online classes and solutions
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discoveredcoronavirus and the WHO declared it a pandemic, and due to the high risk, the most governmentthroughout ... Read MoreFactors affecting emergency evacuation of Iranian hospitals in fire: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Fire is one of the most important threatening factors for hospitals and needs specialattention. The present study was conducted to explain the factors affecting hospital ... Read MoreEvaluation and comparison of the dermatology program for medical students at the University of Chile with other national and foreign universities
BACKGROUND: The National Examination of Knowledge in Medicine establishes the knowledgeprofile (PdC) a physician must possess to practice public medicine in Chile. However, no ... Read MoreEffectiveness of flipped classroom model in teaching histology for first‑year MBBS students based on competency‑based blended learning: An interventional study
BACKGROUND: With recent changes in the curriculum of bachelor of medicine and bachelor ofsurgery (MBBS) course to meet the global trends and to fulfill the standards expected ... Read MoreSelf‑care practices and factors influencing self‑care among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a rural health center in South India
BACKGROUND: Self-care for diabetes is very important in preventing complications of diabetesand also improving quality of life. This study aims to find the various self‑care practices ... Read MoreStudent support system for medical undergraduates: A qualitative exploration of stakeholder perspectives
BACKGROUND: The demands and learning challenges in medical schools are not efficientlyovercome by all learners. Despite the gravity of the problem, there is a dearth of studies to identify,define, ... Read MoreRelationship between physical activity, academic achievement, gender, and learning styles in students of a Latin American Dental School: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Little is known about the inference that physical activity (PA) may have on academicperformance and learning styles of Latin American dental students.MATERIALS AND METHODS: ... Read MoreDevelopment, validation, and feasibility of a school‑based short duration integrated classroom yoga module: A pilot study design
BACKGROUND: The practice of yoga is proven to have physical, cognitive and emotional benefitsfor school children. Despite this many schools do not include yoga in their daily schedule. ... Read MoreAn analysis of the challenges in recruiting clinical teachers in Iranian medical universities: A qualitative analysis
BACKGROUND: Employing appropriate and deserving staff is goal of human resourcemanagement (HRM). A group of staff at medical science universities are clinical teachers. Consideringthe ... Read MoreComparing the effect of traditional and role‑play training methods on nursing students’ performance and satisfaction in the principles of patient education course
BACKGROUND: Education is considered as one of the most important well‑known roles of nurses,which is based on the patients’ needs and awareness level. Thus, training the skill ... Read MoreThe effect of self‑management intervention program on the lifestyle of postmyocardial infarction patients
BACKGROUND: Most patients with myocardial infarction (MI) suffer from one or more risk factorssuch as obesity and overweight, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity (PA), and high ... Read MoreExploring the challenges of educational accreditation of teaching hospitals and providing the solutions
BACKGROUND: In the recent years, the accreditation of educational institutions and hospitals hasattracted a lot of attention in different countries to ensure the quality of medical ... Read MoreSocial barriers as a challenge in seeking mental health among Saudi Arabians
BACKGROUND: To extend our knowledge of social barriers in relation to mental health, the presentstudy was conducted to investigate the impact of social barriers on mental health help‑seeking ... Read MoreSeverity of illness affecting the length of stay and outcomes in patients admitted to intensive care units, Iran, 2019
BACKGROUND: Length of stay (LOS) and patients’ outcome are two important indicators in intensivecare units (ICUs). The severity of illness influences these variables and could ... Read MoreEvaluation of nutritional adjustment program on quality of life in children with chronic liver disease
BACKGROUND: Chronic liver disease is associated with decreased quality of life. The quality of lifeof children with chronic liver disease is related to their quality of life. Malnutrition ... Read MoreThe effect of sexual health education program on sexual function and attitude in women at reproductive age in Iran
BACKGROUND: Female sexual dysfunction is a common and often distressing public health problem.This study aimed to determine the effect of the sexual health program on female sexual ... Read MoreInvestigation of health‑promoting behaviors of employees of medical university: A perspective from West of Iran
BACKGROUND: Employees spend most of their time at work, and hence, it is important to payattention to health‑promoting behaviors. The purpose of the present study was to investigate ... Read MoreApproaches and perspectives for online learning during the COVID‑19 pandemic and future chaos
BACKGROUND: Online learning (OLL) methodology has been incorporated in higher educationextensively on the mount over the last few decades and with the onset of COVID‑19 situation, ... Read MoreOnline self‑assessment tool in Biochemistry – A medical student’s perception during COVID‑19 pandemic
BACKGROUND: Online self‑assessment tools have become an important asset among currentteaching, learning, and assessment methods, especially among medical students. Developmentsin ... Read MoreThe effect of coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic on medical sciences education in Iran
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 has a great impact on medical sciences education. Some researcheshave been conducted on the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic on medical sciences educationin ... Read MoreComparative study of the effect of two counseling methods on fertility motivation in infertile couples
BACKGROUND: Reproductive motivation is a complex issue that has cultural, behavioral, andideological roots and changes in the context of population transfer and economic and socialdevelopment. ... Read MoreEconomic evaluation of E‑health interventions compared with alternative treatments in older persons’ care: A systematic review
Population aging has increased the need for long‑term care of older persons who suffer frommulti‑morbidity and chronic conditions. Today, the majority of older people are living ... Read MorePredictors and prevalence of periodontitis among pregnant women of slum areas of Patna, India: An opportunity for oral health promotion
BACKGROUND: There is abundant documentation in literature that presence of maternal periodontalinfections has been attributed to serious health problem to the mother and the child. ... Read MoreTest anxiety and procrastination in physiotherapy students
BACKGROUND: Short‑term academic procrastination may be accompanied by negative outcomessuch as anxiety, stress, and depression. The current study aims to evaluate the two parameters ... Read MoreThe effect of cognitive–behavioral counseling of pregnant women with the presence of a spouse on stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression
BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are classified as one of the vulnerable groups. Physiological andpsychological changes during pregnancy predispose them to serious psychiatric disorders; ... Read MoreExploring the components of student support system in blended learning for Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences: A thematic analysis
BACKGROUND: Support services are a very important element for all educational institutions. Theaims of this study were to explore the components of the student support system in blended ... Read MoreFactors affecting substance use relapse among Iranian addicts
BACKGROUND: Substance use relapse after treatment is one of the most important aspects ofaddiction. The present study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the substance use relapseamong ... Read MoreChallenges for dental professionals during COVID‑19 pandemic: Are we prepared?
BACKGROUND: With the emerging knowledge and understanding of novel coronavirus infection,dentists must be capable of resuming their practice with necessary precautions in near future; ... Read MoreThe biological weapons threats and coping strategies for health promotion
The biotechnology revolution and the emergence of new ways to change the genetic material of anorganism have led to an increased risk of biological wars. Coping strategies against these ... Read MoreThe relationship between emotional intelligence, social responsibility, and job performance in health service providers
BACKGROUND: Responsibility of individuals in adapting to life events depends on the intertwinedcooperation of intellectual and emotional capacities, and a person’s success in ... Read MoreKnowledge, skill, and preventive behaviors regarding COVID‑19 among the public in Shahrekord of Iran
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 is a serious and costly problem for communities. Observing healthissues and performing preventive behaviors is influenced by their knowledge and skills of peopletoward ... Read MoreMaternal predictive factors for preterm birth: A case–control study in Southern Iran
BACKGROUND: Preterm birth (PTB) is one of the most important factors that increase the risk ofchronic diseases and postpartum death in infants. The aim of this study was to determine ... Read MoreAssessment of barriers and motivators to online learning among medical undergraduates of Punjab