Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Effect of spiritual care education on the spiritual health of preeclamptic women with postpartum stress disorder
BACKGROUND: Spiritual health in the field of health has a great importance in mental disorders andposttraumatic stress disorders, in treatment process. The present study was done aiming ... Read MorePsychological distress Management in Iranian emergency prehospital providers: A Qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: Emergency prehospital providers (EPHP) who are constantly providing medicalcare in threatening conditions are more at risk of displaying psychological distress presentations ... Read MoreThe feasibility of simulation‑based high‑stakes assessment in emergency medicine settings: A scoping review
Using simulation in high‑stakes assessments has been evolving as a method to improve theassessment process. There is a concurrent need to address challenges and establish best practicesto ... Read MoreA nationwide cross‑sectional study to assess the impact of COVID‑19 on surgical residency programs in India
BACKGROUND: The COVID‑19 pandemic with its plenitude of hardships has been a challenge forresidents in training. Besides the fear of contracting the disease, the complete reconfiguration ... Read MoreSurvey of happiness in students of Iran University of Medical Sciences and its relationship with students’ attitudes toward the field of education and the future of career
BACKGROUND: Happiness is one of the main components of mental health that plays an importantrole in promoting people’s health. This study aimed to investigate the status of happiness ... Read MoreAntibiotics at the crossroads – Do we have any therapeutic alternatives to control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance?
Antibiotics once regarded as magic bullets are no more considered so. Overuse of antibiotics inhumans, agriculture, and animal husbandry has resulted in the emergence of a wide range ... Read MoreSatisfaction with nursing care and its related factors in patients with COVID‑19: A descriptive correlational study
BACKGROUND: Patients’ satisfaction is a fundamental factor in the quality of nursing care. Theemergence of the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) and the highly contagious ... Read MorePotential vaccine hesitancy regarding COVID‑19 vaccines in Kashmiri population
BACKGROUND: India is all set to begin vaccination against COVID‑19. A good number of peopleare falling prey to anti‑vaccination campaigns, and therefore, some amount of vaccine ... Read MoreInvestigating preventive health behaviors against COVID‑19 in elementary school students’ parents: A cross‑sectional study from Tehran – Capital of Iran
BACKGROUND: Parents act as a role model for children in showing health behaviors. This studyinvestigated factors affecting the preventive behavior in elementary school students’ ... Read MoreComparing the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and self‑development education on type II diabetes mellitus patients’ lifestyle
BACKGROUND: Lifestyle can play an important role in controlling type II diabetes (T2D), and ahigh‑risk lifestyle can exacerbate its effects. The aim of this study was to compare the ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between the dimensions of mindfulness and maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
BACKGROUND: Maternal attachment to the fetus is a term used to describe the emotional relationshipbetween mother and fetus. This emotional connection increases during pregnancy and ... Read MoreDepression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behaviors among dental students of Neo‑state capital region in India
BACKGROUND: The challenges of dental education place students at high risk of stress. Becausedental education is a highly demanding and challenging course, placing heavy demands on ... Read MoreThe association between body mass index and health literacy in high school Students: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Obesity and overweight in children and adolescents have become a global problemin recent years. Adolescence increases the likelihood of obesity in adulthood and associated ... Read MoreOrganizational impact of faculty development programs on the medical teacher’s competencies
BACKGROUND: Faculty development programs as useful approaches for organizational developmentimproved competencies in faculty members which assist them to cope with workload and environmentchanges. ... Read MoreTime to reach health‑care facility and hospital exit outcome among road traffic accident victims attending a tertiary care hospital, Puducherry
BACKGROUND: In India, most of the deaths due to road traffic accidents (RTAs) occur within24 h of the accident. Hence, this study aimed to assess the proportion of RTA victims reaching ... Read MoreThe effect of theory ‑ Based educational intervention on consumption of smokeless tobacco products by merchants’ guilds
BACKGROUND: Smokeless tobacco (SLT) products are highly addictive and contain at least 28carcinogenic chemicals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of theory‑based ... Read MoreHomemade food, alcohol, and body weight: Change in eating habits in young individuals at the time of COVID‑19 Lockdown
BACKGROUND: The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) lockdown has caused significantchanges in everyday life. This study evaluated the effect of the COVID‑19 quarantine on dietary ... Read MoreEpidemiology and factors associated with COVID‑19 outbreak‑related deaths in patients admitted to medical centers of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: The first case of COVID‑19 was reported in Iran on February 19, 2020, in Qom. SinceMazandaran is one of the high‑risk provinces with many patients and deaths, this study ... Read MoreNature of the private hospital services toward universal health coverage: A systematic scoping review of the developing countries evidence
Private hospital services (PHS) with the undeniable effects on the Universal Health Coverage (UHC)goals have a considerable contribution to the health system of developing countries. ... Read MoreEnhanced learning strategies of undergraduate medical students with a structured case presentation format
BACKGROUND: Improvement of the learning in undergraduate bedside teaching needs to bepromoted through innovative interventions. Changes in the structured format (SF) for bedside casediscussion ... Read MoreChallenges faced by nurses while caring for COVID‑19 patients: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: In the COVID‑19 crisis, nurses are directly involved in patient care, so they facemany challenges. This study was performed to determine the challenges faced by nurses ... Read MoreThe effect of situation, background, assessment, recommendation‑based safety program on patient safety culture in intensive care unit nurses
BACKGROUND: Patient safety culture is an integral part of patient care standards and a prerequisitefor safe care. SBAR is an acronym for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation; ... Read MoreDistance learning strategies in medical education during COVID‑19: A systematic review
The current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) across the world forced universitiesto suspend learning to limit the spread of the virus. Many medical schools have shifted ... Read MoreA descriptive cross-sectional study on COVID-19 knowledge, attitude, and practices of South Indian population
BACKGROUND: The 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) started as an epidemic latertransformed into a pandemic causing a threat to public health globally. Any community to fightthe ... Read MoreForce field analysis of driving and restraining factors affecting the evidence‑based decision‑making in health systems; comparing two approaches
BACKGROUND: All policies and decisions need evidence examined by scientific methods. Movingtoward evidence‑based decision‑making (EBDM) as a change in organizations, especially ... Read MoreThe effect of home care on readmission and mortality rate in patients with diabetes who underwent general surgeries
BACKGROUND: More than one‑half of people with diabetes need at least one surgery in theirlifespan. Few studies have addressed how to manage the needs of these patients after dischargefrom ... Read MoreThe effect of nutritional education program on micronutrient intake in children with chronic liver disease: A clinical trial
BACKGROUND: Chronic liver disease (CLD) is one of the most common chronic diseases in theworld that threatens the health of children due to its many complications such as malnutrition ... Read MoreAn application of Career Decision Self‑Efficacy Scale – Short Form among Vietnamese medical students
BACKGROUND: Choosing the right career can be one of the most crucial decisions in one’s life.Nevertheless, career decisions are filled with uncertainty and daunting challenges. ... Read MoreEssential dimensions of professional competency examination in Iran from academic and clinical nurses’ perspective: A mixed‑method study
BACKGROUND: Planning for the issuance of professional competency examination has been put onthe agenda of professional policymakers, but the ways of evaluating and conducting examinations ... Read MoreThe mediating role of compassion in the relationship between COVID‑19 anxiety syndrome and COVID‑19 burnout
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus has caused fundamental changes in our way of life, leading to awave of psychological distress associated with the COVID‑19 epidemic, including stress, ... Read MoreRisk analysis and safety assessment of hospitals against disasters: A systematic review
Both natural and man‑made disasters are increasing in occurrence at the world. Hospitals andhealth‑care centers are very complex and have a high potential for vulnerability depending ... Read MoreOnline learning in nursing students: Satisfaction and barriers
BACKGROUND: The nationwide coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic and ensuing lockdown hasenforced institutions crosswise India to provisionally close to inhibit the spread of the virus ... Read MoreReconstruction of individual, social, and professional life: Self‑management experience of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
BACKGROUND: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experience wide range of physicaland psychological problems experience. The use of strategies to improve disease management ... Read MoreInternet addiction, mental health, and sleep quality in students of medical sciences, Iran: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Internet addiction (IA) is a severe problem, especially in academic communities.The association between IA and unfavorable emotional conditions (e.g., anxiety, stress, anddepression) ... Read MoreLevel of anxiety and depression among health‑care professionals amidst of coronavirus disease: A web‑based survey from India
BACKGROUND: The spread of novel coronavirus diseases‑2019 (COVID‑19) across the world andits associated morbidity and mortality confronted the nations by various means. COVID19 ... Read MoreCriteria and components of the emergency and disaster database in Iran: A content analysis study
BACKGROUND: Nowadays, emergencies and disasters are considered one of the biggest problemsin human life. To reduce the risk of emergencies and disasters, governments must develop strategiesand ... Read MoreEffects of dust events and meteorological elements on stroke morbidity in northern Khuzestan, Iran
BACKGROUND: In recent years, the prevalence of dust events has increased in the region andthe world. According to the Meteorological Organization, the most frequent days with dust eventsare ... Read MorePerformance analysis of data mining algorithms for diagnosing COVID‑19
BACKGROUND: An outbreak of atypical pneumonia termed COVID‑19 has widely spread all overthe world since the beginning of 2020. In this regard, designing a prediction system for the ... Read MoreBehavioral drivers and observation of face covering use during the COVID‑19 pandemic among outpatients and visitors at a tertiary hospital in Thailand
BACKGROUND: Use of face covering may help prevent COVID‑19 transmission. However, thereis a lack of data on behavioral drivers of face covering use and compliance to mandatory facecovering ... Read MoreImpact of two ergonomics training on prevalence of upper and lower extremity complaints among nurses