Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
A nurturing environment for teaching molecular biology to medical students
Read MoreHealth literacy and its dimensions in elderly people in Farsan city, Iran
BACKGROUND: Health literacy is an important variable in the promotion and improvement of thehealth of all social groups, especially the elderly people. It indicates cognitive and social ... Read MoreEffect of sense of coherence on oral health behavior and status: A systematic review and meta‑analysis
The sense of coherence (SOC) is defined as a personal orientation to life. People with higher SOCare better at dealing with stressful situations, psychological stress, and problems ... Read MoreVirtual learning during the COVID‑19 pandemic: What are the barriers and how to overcome them?
CONTEXT: Virtual learning is not without challenges. It can cause stress, lack of motivation, and socialisolation. Due to COVID‑19 pandemic, our college shifted from face‑to‑face ... Read MorePrevalence of water pipe smoking and associated risk factors among female adolescents
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of water pipe smoking is increasing among young people, butthere are limited data on its use among adolescents in Iran. The aim of this study is to investigate ... Read MoreKnowledge, Attitudes, and Practices toward COVID‑19 among Persian Birth Cohort Participants
BACKGROUND: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) toward COVID‑19 play an importantrole in controlling the outbreak. The present study aimed to investigate the KAP of a group ... Read MoreValidation of newly developed culturally specific diabetes self‑management education and support program for Iraqi type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
BACKGROUND: Diabetes self‑management (DSM) is the cornerstone in diabetes mellitus (DM)management. Unfortunately, the practice of DSM by Iraqi type 2 DM (T2DM) patients is poor thatmainly ... Read MoreNew financial management system for Iran public health sector: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Financial management system acts as a driving force and the first important principleof health sector reform. This study aimed to prepare a framework for new financial managementsystem ... Read MorePrevalence and correlates of anemia among women in the reproductive age (15–49 years) in a rural area of Tamil Nadu: An exploratory study
BACKGROUND: Anemia is a major public health problem among reproductive‑aged women in India.Despite many programs implemented for decades to fight anemia, still the prevalence of anemia ... Read MoreUtilizing “Positive deviance inquiry” to explore factors influencing child health: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: India is a lower middle‑income country with one of the fastest growing economiesin the world. Despite improvements in its economy, it has a high child mortality rate, ... Read MoreThe of effect of partnership‑based education on adherence to the treatment plans in open heart surgery
BACKGROUND: Adherence to the treatment plans is one of the most effective conducts to preventand reduce postoperative side effects. Partnership‑based education is one of the most ... Read MorePrevalence and predictors of depression in type 2 diabetes mellitus
BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a multifactorial disease and can be described as anoncommunicable disease of epidemic magnitude. Little is known about the predictors of ... Read MoreThe effectiveness of lifestyle training program promoting adolescent health with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A study protocol for a randomized controlled study
BACKGROUND: Lifestyle training is of a key important in adolescent age for better life in the future.Healthy lifestyle in adolescents can management of any disease such as diabetes ... Read MoreAchievements and challenges of India’s sanitation campaign under clean India mission: A commentary
Universal access to safe sanitation is yet to be accomplished in India. Although Clean IndiaMission (named as “Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)” for rural India) claims that ... Read MoreEffects of blended aromatherapy using lavender and damask rose oils on the test anxiety of nursing students
BACKGROUND: People experience extreme anxiety in testing situations, so it considers as apsychological condition and can actually impair learning and hurt test performance. People experiencesome ... Read MoreAn altmetric analysis of online news on India’s first indigenous COVID‑19 vaccine
BACKGROUND: Covaxin is the first indigenous vaccine developed in India against COVID‑19. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the news stories on Covaxin published in the online ... Read MoreWorkplace interpersonal conflict in prehospital emergency: Concept analysis
BACKGROUND: In the turbulent and stressful work environment of prehospital emergencies, the conflictamong emergency medical technicians (EMT) and other health‑care providers is inevitable. ... Read MoreA reproductive and sexual health promotion program for women with heart diseases: A protocol for mixed methods study
BACKGROUND: Nowadays, for various reasons, the prevalence of heart diseases has increased inwomen during reproductive age. These diseases can lead to serious reproductive and sexual‑relatedcomplications ... Read MoreThe effect of peer support on quality of life among type 2 diabetic patients in deprived areas in Iran: A randomized clinical trial
BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QOL) is one of the effective factors in promoting the health of diabeticpatients. In recent years, the role of peer support in the optimal management of ... Read MoreEmotional well‑being of dentists and the effect of lockdown during the COVID‑19 pandemic: A nationwide study
BACKGROUND: Lockdown in India might have adverse effects on the emotional health of the dentalprofessionals; hence, the aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various ... Read MoreFactor structure and psychometric properties of the Persian versions of the Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale and Morningness–Eveningness Scale for Children
BACKGROUND: The Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS) and the Morningness–EveningnessScale for Children (MESC) are widely used to measure two important facets of sleep patterns, ... Read MoreDevelopment and validation of education materials to reduce childhood blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity
BACKGROUND: Timely and appropriate follow‑up appointments for infants at risk for retinopathy ofprematurity (ROP) are very important to prevent blindness. Caregivers are important ... Read MoreThe prevalence of attention‑deficit hyperactivity disorder and its related risk factors among children at elementary school in Shahroud
BACKGROUND: Attention‑deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common reasonsfor visiting psychiatrists and psychologists. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence ... Read MoreFear of COVID‑19 among the Indian youth: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease is a highly infectious and fatal disease. It has caused distressin the form of fear, and anxiety among masses including youth. The psychosocial health ... Read MoreThe role of glass ceiling in women’s promotion to managerial positions from the perspective of faculty members at Iran University of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: In recent years, many changes have been observed in women’s roles inorganizations. In Iran, women face challenges to be promoted to high‑level organizational positions.The ... Read MoreEstablishing clinical governance model in primary health care: A systematic review
Clinical governance is a systematic approach to enhancing the quality of primary health care andensuring high clinical standards, responsiveness to performance, and continuous improvementin ... Read MoreRelationship between mindfulness and maternal stress and mother – Infant bonding in neonatal intensive care unit
BACKGROUND: Having a baby admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is so stressful, hasa negative impact on mother well‑being, and also disrupts mother‑infant bonding process ... Read MorePsychological impact of COVID‑19 on medical interns – Findings from a nationwide survey
BACKGROUND: The COVID‑19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of health‑careworkers worldwide. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of psychological distress ... Read MoreComparing the effect of face-to-face education and using educational films on couples’ sexual dysfunction during pregnancy
BACKGROUND: Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life during which physical, mental,social, and cultural changes would affect sexual desires during this period. The present ... Read MoreThe role of hackathon in education: Can hackathon improve health and medical education?
To develop the next generation of healthcare innovators, students at all levels of education shouldbe trained and encouraged to employ innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to deal ... Read MoreDesigning a model for patient relationship management in the general hospitals using the combination of analytic hierarchy process and interpretive structural modeling
BACKGROUND: Patient relationship management (PRM), in addition to saving costs, increasespatient loyalty and creates a satisfactory environment for the patient and the service provider. ... Read MoreKnowledge and attitude regarding cervical cancer and its prevention among young female adults in Kuantan, Malaysia
BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second‑most common female cancer in Malaysia after breastcancer. This study intended to investigate the knowledge and attitude regarding cervical ... Read MoreEffectiveness of ethics case based on blended learning approaches on medical students’ learning: A quasi‑experimental study
BACKGROUND: The use of active teaching methods in ethics education, instead of being merelyteacher centred, can lead students to problem‑solving in a practical way. Therefore, this ... Read MoreCauses of nonadherence to treatment in people with myocardial infarction: Content analysis
BACKGROUND: Nonadherence with the medication regimen in patients with heart disease canlead to treatment failure. The purpose of this study was to identify the causes of nonadherence ... Read MoreWorldwide disaster loss and damage databases: A systematic review
Nowadays, disaster databases have become a valuable tool for disaster risk management andhealth promotion and serve various purposes. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematicreview ... Read MoreMobile‑application intervention on physical activity of pregnant women in Iran during the COVID‑19 epidemic in 2020
BACKGROUND: Considering the low level of physical activity in pregnant women in the COVID‑19pandemic period, and on the other hand, the benefits of mobile application (mobile app) ... Read MoreImpact of mobile phone dependence on behavior and academic performance of adolescents in selected schools of Uttarakhand, India
BACKGROUND: Mobile phones are one of the excellent gifts of technology in the 21st century, whichis most popular among adolescents. Today, mobile phones have infinite resources that ... Read MoreCompetencies required for medical students to confront the COVID‑19 pandemic: A needs assessment study
BACKGROUND: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has turned attention to theessential competencies needed to confront pandemics for a physician. However, medical students,as ... Read MoreEvaluation of the educational services quality from the viewpoint of postgraduate students at Kermanshah University of medical sciences in 2019
BACKGROUND: At present, the SERVQUAL model is one of the most significant tools for measuringcustomers’ expectations and perceptions in organizations. Determination of expectations ... Read MoreValidation of Metacognitive Awareness Inventory from a Private Medical University in India