Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: Timely and appropriate follow‑up appointments for infants at risk for retinopathy of
prematurity (ROP) are very important to prevent blindness. Caregivers are important members of the
ROP team, and their involvement is essential in ensuring optimal visual outcomes. This paper aimed
to develop health information materials on ROP by a systematic process for better comprehensibility
by the target audience of low literacy.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a methodological study conducted at the neonatal intensive care
unit of a tertiary care hospital, North India. The development and validation of educational materials
was conducted in six steps. The study focused on both the knowledge of the target audience and
on the validation of the educational materials by experts and caregivers of ROP eligible infants.
RESULTS: Most of the items (content, language, layout, motivation, and cultural appropriateness)
were in either a suitable or adequate category. Only one item illustration was in the nonsuitable
category. The mean final score of the leaflet after revision by experts was 9 (maximum score = 10).
Regarding readability, The Flesch Reading Ease Score, Flesch‑Kincaid Grade Level, and gunning
fog index were found to be 72.5, 7.4, and 6.2, respectively. The leaflet was found to be suitable for
the seventh grader. The mean knowledge score of the parents was 4 (maximum score‑5).
CONCLUSION: The study showed satisfactory acceptance of the developed ROP information
materials by caregivers and experts. A similar approach could be adopted for the development of
other health information materials.
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