Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Care Management, Amiralam Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Anesthesthia and Critical Care, Amiralam Hospital, Tehran University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, School of Medicine, Tehran University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran,

4 Department of Oncology, Tehran University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND: The outbreak of new pathogens or the resurgence of pathogens that have already
spread is a serious challenge to public health. Coronavirus is a pathogen that seems to invade the
human respiratory system in the first place. Coronaviruses form a large family and are so called
because of the presence of crown like cristae on their surface.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross‑sectional, descriptive study conducted to assess the
status of patients with COVID‑19 who were hospitalized in an educational hospital. For this purpose,
142 patients hospitalized in this hospital were followed up 2 weeks after discharge and were inquired about
the symptoms they had upon admission to the hospital, the number of hospitalization days, the history of
underlying disease, and so on. Descriptive data analysis was done with the SPSS software version 22.
RESULTS: The findings of this research showed that overweight or obese people (about 66%)
is more likely to contract the disease. It also seems that older people (37.3% older than 60 years
old) and those with a history of diseases (69.6%) such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart
disease are more prone to COVID‑19. The most common symptoms of COVID‑19 patients included
fever (64.5%), shortness of breath (67.4%), and dry cough (50.4%).
CONCLUSION: it seems that high risk group (obese people, old people, and people with a history of
disease) is more likely to be infect with coronavirus so they should more careful than others. Another
important issue is that policy‑makers must play an active role in public awareness of dangers of
COVID‑19 and ways to prevent it.


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MedRxiv 2020;1(1):1‑11