Document Type : Original Article


Department of Community Medicine, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


BACKGROUND: Online self‑assessment tools have become an important asset among current
teaching, learning, and assessment methods, especially among medical students. Developments
in information technology and recent changes in methods of undergraduate learning, especially with
the current COVID‑19 pandemic situation, will provide an impetus among students to uptake this
assessment tool. The study is aimed at bringing out the perception of medical students in using an
online self‑assessment tool in Biochemistry on the topics “Liver Function Tests” and “Renal Function
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was an observational study conducted among 150 1st year medical students employing an online self‑assessment tool in Biochemistry, and the perception
response toward the questionnaire was graded.
RESULTS: The participation was 100%, with the perception questionnaire having a good internal
validity (α = 0.847). The students’ response was maximum for questions 9 and 10, which favored
for provision of instantaneous feedback and application of the same tool for other topics. A positive
correlation was observed between questionnaires for perceived learning and perceived engagement
using the online self‑assessment tool (r ± 0.554, P = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Self‑assessment tools have an impact on the learning of students only when provided
in a suitable environment such as immediate feedback and nonranking mechanisms.


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