Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Big data in COVID‑19 surveillance system: A commentary
Read MoreImpact of stoma on lifestyle and health‑related quality of life in patients living with stoma: A cross‑sectional study
INTRODUCTION: A person with colostomy or ileostomy undergoes a comprehensive treatmentwith a wide range of adjustments which affect the individual’s social and psychological functioning.Quality ... Read MoreThe effect of educational intervention based on the health belief model on osteoarthritis‑preventive behaviors in middle‑aged women
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Arthritis is the most common type of arthritis in people over 40 years.This study aimed to determine the effect of an educational intervention on the prevention ... Read MoreAcademic procrastination and self‑efficacy among a group of dental undergraduate students in Malaysia
BACKGROUND: Undergraduate dental students have to do multiple tasks as part of their extensivecurriculum in order to achieve the proficiencies expected of them. During the course of ... Read MoreEducation promotion based on “mobile technology” in the Critical Care Nursing Department: Four‑phase intervention
INTRODUCTION: Evaluation of students’ clinical performance is an essential part of nursingeducation. Mobile technology is one of the new methods of evaluation that has opened ... Read MoreA study of 0‑14‑year‑old children’s access to health centers in rural areas using a buffer model (a case study of villages based in Kermanshah province, Iran)
INTRODUCTION: Children are among the most vulnerable groups in society, whose health is ofprominent significance. Moreover, as a group of clients with special needs in the health care ... Read MoreThe Health Disparities Field Experience: College students and community health workers in the field
CONTEXT: Immersing students studying health promotion and disease prevention into communitysettings facing health disparities is an essential supplement to their academic experience. ... Read MoreIdentifying the prerequisites, facilitators, and barriers in improving adolescents’ mental health literacy interventions: A systematic review
The present study aimed at identifying the prerequisites, facilitators, and barriers to adolescentmental health literacy interventions. To that end, databases PsycINFO, Science Direct, ... Read MoreAttitude towards mobile learning among resident doctors involved in undergraduate medical education at a government medical college in Delhi, India
BACKGROUND: There is growing recognition of the role of mobile learning (M‑learning) forundergraduate (UG) academic education and teaching purposes, but teacher attitudes toward itcan ... Read MoreCreativity and its determinants among medical students
INTRODUCTION: The ultimate goal of education at all levels is the ability to generate and fosterstudents’ creativity. This study aimed at determining and comparing creativity ... Read MoreThe effect of theory‑based educational intervention on correct principles of manual material handling among men
BACKGROUND: Changing human behavior for the purposes of improving the way people workis an integral part of most educational interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of ... Read MoreImproving menopausal symptoms and reducing depression in postmenopausal women: Effectiveness of transferring experiences in group education
INTRODUCTION: One of the most critical stages of women’s lives is menopause. Meanwhile,group training can have a significant effect on reducing menopausal symptoms. The aim of ... Read MoreEffect of information, motivation, and behavioral skills model on adherence to medication, diet, and physical activity in HIV/ADIS patients: A health promotion strategy
BACKGROUND: Adherence to treatment is one of the major challenges in patients with HIV/ADIS. Ifthe patients do not adhere, they will face recurrent consequences, such as disease progression. ... Read MoreService learning experiences of doctor of physical therapy students with a severe mental illness population
INTRODUCTION: Physical therapists provide important services to improve physical health forthe general population; however, physical therapy interventions are less utilized with underservedpopulations ... Read MoreEpidemiologic assessment of self‑concept and academic self‑efficacy in Iranian high school students: Multilevel analysis
INTRODUCTION: In social cognitive theory, self‑efficacy and self‑concept (SC) have been introducedas important constructs that associate with adolescents’ achievements. The ... Read MoreNeeds assessment of the public health curriculum based on the first‑level health services package in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
INTRODUCTION: After graduation, public health students should be able to work as health caregivers providing first‑level health care services. Therefore, the educational objectives ... Read MorePsychosocial and stress-related risk factors for abnormal menstrual cycle pattern among adolescent girls: A case-control study
BACKGROUND: Menstruation is a normal physiological process among reproductive age groupfemales. Although some of them show the abnormal menstrual pattern, which is influenced byseveral ... Read MoreEffect of a mobile application intervention on knowledge, attitude and practice related to healthy marriage among youth in Iran
BACKGROUND: Mobile app education is one of the new educational models. Hence, the purposeof this study was to determine the effectiveness of mobile app intervention on knowledge, attitude,and ... Read MoreThe gap in the clinical learning environment: The viewpoints of nursing students
INTRODUCTION: The clinical environment is an essential and irreplaceable resource in preparingnursing students for their professional role. Despite many changes that occur in the clinical ... Read MoreAssessing sexual and reproductive health dimensions tools in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus with regard to Consensus‑based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instruments checklist
A valid tool is of paramount importance in determining women’s sexual and reproductive healthstatus, meeting their health needs, and recognizing the effectiveness of some interventions. ... Read MoreComparison of self‑medication practices with analgesics among undergraduate medical and paramedical students of a tertiary care teaching institute in Central India – A questionnaire‑based study
CONTEXT: Inappropriate self‑medication can increase chances of adverse drug reactions, diseaseaggravation, or drug interactions. Analgesics are most commonly used as self‑medication.AIMS: ... Read MoreDesigning a truth-based communication model in patient ethical care process
INTRODUCTION: Providing information based on truth is very important in patients’ treatment‑relateddecisions and reduces emotional and physical sufferings as well as patient ... Read MoreDisordered eating: The psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Eating Attitudes Test‑8
BACKGROUND: Disordered eating attitude may lead to full‑blown eating disorders. Recentlongitudinal studies show that disordered eating attitudes either remain stable or even increase ... Read MoreImpact of experiential learning among medical undergraduates: A randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Experiential learning sessions as a teaching aid have been applied early in themedical undergraduate curriculum to improve the knowledge and inculcate research interest. ... Read MoreEvaluation of the relationship between religious beliefs and academic achievements of dental students
INTRODUCTION: Considering the importance of the academic level of university graduates in theadvancement of communities, it is necessary to evaluate factors affecting the academic achievementsof ... Read MoreImproving service delivery using the self‑reporting of errors by midwives and midwifery student
INTRODUCTION: Reporting medical errors is one of the common methods for identifying andpreventing mistakes in‑hospital care. This study was conducted to identify the status of reportingand ... Read MoreRelationship between internet addiction and mental health in adolescents
BACKGROUND: Internet addiction (IA) currently is the major public health concern, especiallyin adolescents, although the results of previous reports are not generally uniform. This ... Read MoreInvestigating the effect of education on man immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome preventive behaviors in vulnerable women living in peripheral neighborhoods: Applications of the health belief model
INTRODUCTION: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pervasive disease, andits epidemic is spreading around the world. The only way to effectively fight against humanimmunodeficiency ... Read MoreStudents’ perception regarding pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy as teaching–learning methods in undergraduate medical education
INTRODUCTION: Medical education is tricky to imbibe and difficult to apply. Variousteaching–learning (TL) methods have been tried from time to time to enhance the proficiency ... Read MoreCorrelation between general health and sexual function in older women in an Iranian setting
INTRODUCTION: The world’s population is aging and this trend continues. Older adults are livinghealthier and longer than in the last decades and their sexual function should also ... Read MoreHealth‑related quality of life and related factors among pregnant women
CONTEXT: Quality of life is significant in all stages of life, including within pregnancy. The hormonal,emotional, psychological, and physical factors specific to pregnancy can affect ... Read MoreQuality improvement in the surgery‑related processes: Managerial challenges and solutions from hospitals of Iran
BACKGROUND: There is a growing global movement toward quality and safety in healthcareand quality improvement (QI) in general surgery. The first step in any QI initiative is identifying ... Read MoreHealth, safety, and environmental status of Iranian school: A systematic review
Schools are considered as a first community, which plays an essential role in developing the child’slife skills; thus, it is important to provide safety and health in these places. ... Read MoreEffects of virtual and lecture‑based instruction on learning, content retention, and satisfaction from these instruction methods among surgical technology students: A comparative study
BACKGROUND: There are various instructional methods worldwide and virtual instruction is oneof them. This widely used method involves online instruction and e‑learning. The present ... Read MorePerspectives towards child abuse and neglect among dental practitioners in Belagavi city: A cross‑sectional study