Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Golestan Hospital, School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health (Tehran Institute of Psychiatry), Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran

3 Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah

4 Department of Clinical Psychology, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


BACKGROUND: Disordered eating attitude may lead to full‑blown eating disorders. Recent
longitudinal studies show that disordered eating attitudes either remain stable or even increase from
childhood to adulthood. The current study was done to determine the psychometric properties of the
Eating Attitudes Test‑8 (EAT‑8) and introduce the suitable measure for researchers and therapist in
the field of clinical psychology and psychiatrist.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Persian version of the EAT‑8 was produced through forward
translation, reconciliation, and back translation. A sample of 302 students were selected through
convenience sampling method and completed a set of questionnaires, including the EAT‑8,
Eating Attitudes Test‑16 (EAT‑16), Eating Beliefs Questionnaire‑18 (EBQ‑18), self‑esteem scale,
and self‑compassion scale short‑form. The construct validity of the EAT‑8 was assessed using
confirmatory factor analysis and divergent and convergent validity. Internal consistency and test–retest
reliability (2 weeks’ interval) were conducted to evaluate the reliability. Data analysis was conducted
using SPSS (version 22) software and LISREL (version 8.8).
RESULTS: EAT‑8 was found to be valid and reliable measures, with good internal consistency and
good test–retest reliability among students. In terms of convergent validity, EAT‑8 showed a significant
positive correlation with self‑report measures of EAT‑16 and EBQ‑18. EAT‑8 showed a negative
correlation with self‑compassion and self‑esteem, thus demonstrated a good divergent validity. The
results of this study also provide support for the one‑factor model of the EAT‑8.
CONCLUSION: The EAT‑8 showed good validity and reliability and could be useful in assessing
disordered eating in Iranian population. The EAT‑8 shows notable promise as a measure for use in
disordered eating research and clinical settings.


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