Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The challenge of outsourcing of hospital services in Iran: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: Outsourcing, as one of the important managerial strategies to improve performance,has become one of the main areas of research in hospital management studies. The aim ... Read MoreEffectiveness of an educational intervention using theory of planned behavior on health care empowerment among married reproductive‑age women: A randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Empowerment is an essential issue in women’s lives. Powerful women can actsuccessfully in health‑related issues more than others. This study aimed to determine the ... Read MoreYoga and perceived stress, self‑compassion, and quality of life in undergraduate nursing students
BACKGROUND: Student nurses’ experience of stress while enrolled in educational programs iswell‑documented; however, complementary and alternative therapies to alleviate or prevent ... Read MoreEvaluating the responsiveness of higher education system in relation to social determinants of health
BACKGROUND AND AIM: To answer the society’s health‑care needs related to social determinantsof health (SDH), higher education system must be responsive in training knowledgeable ... Read MoreThe problematic use of mobile phone and mental health: A review study in Iran
There is growing evidence that the problematic use of mobile phone is an evolving problem. Althoughsome studies have noted a greater prevalence in the Middle East, intercultural differences ... Read MoreFamily caregivers’ burden in inflammatory bowel diseases: An integrative review
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis diseases, is characterizedby clinical periods of remission and relapse. Excessive care stress can have ... Read MoreAssessment of stress among parents of neonates admitted in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India
BACKGROUND: An infant admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a potentiallystressful event for parents. Severe stress is experienced by parents, affecting their mental ... Read MoreStudents’ perception of problems and benefits of night shift nursing internship: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: Recently, the night shift is included in the curriculum of nursing internship students.However, this shift is associated with some problems and benefits for students, ... Read MoreInvestigating the effect of health literacy level on improving the quality of care during pregnancy in pregnant women covered by health centers
BACKGROUND: Health literacy is the capacity to acquire, process, and understand basic informationand services necessary for appropriate health decisions. Given the importance of health ... Read MoreIntroduction of structured feedback for MBBS students: Perception of students and faculty
INTRODUCTION: Feedback is an important part of the assessment process. However, one‑to‑onestructured and constructive feedback to the students is not practiced mostly due to lack ... Read MoreThe effect of counseling based on ex‑PLISSIT model on sexual function and marital satisfaction of postpartum women: A randomized controlled clinical trial
INTRODUCTION: Since routine counseling does not suffice to resolve the sexual problems atpostpartum period, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of counseling based on ... Read MoreSurgical technologists’ knowledge and performance about radiation protection in Zahedan educational hospitals. A descriptive‑analytical study
INTRODUCTION: The use of ionizing radiation in various sciences, especially in medical science, hasplayed an important role in human health. As the use of radiology tests in medical ... Read MoreKnowledge, attitude, practices, and barriers regarding pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting among medical and dental faculties of the teaching hospitals in Bhubaneswar City
AIM: To assess the knowledge, attitude, practices (KAP), and barriers regarding pharmacovigilanceand adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting among medical and dental faculties of the ... Read MoreValidation of the 30‑item nurses’ observation scale for inpatient evaluation and mental health‑care promotion
CONTEXT: The 30‑item nurses’ observation scale for inpatient evaluation (NOSIE‑30) developedfor the behavioral and observational rating of psychiatric inpatients.AIMS: The ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of two training methods (webinar and group discussion) on improving the attitude and performance of health workers in providing counseling with fertility promotion approach
INTRODUCTION: Due to the significant decrease in fertility in recent decades and the important roleof health workers and health‑care providers in providing healthy reproductive counseling, ... Read MoreAssessment on knowledge and practice of postexposure prophylaxis of human immuno‑deficiency virus among staff nurses and paramedical workers at a tertiary care hospital in South India
INTRODUCTION: Adequate knowledge about the presence of postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)against human immuno‑deficiency virus (HIV) is imperative for health‑care workers. This studyfocuses ... Read MoreA questionnaire on factors affecting the precaution adoption process model for cervical cancer – Psychometric properties
BACKGROUND: Implementing a cervical cancer prevention program requires an exploration ofcertain behaviors concerning this disease. This study is aimed to evaluate the psychometrics ... Read MoreA study on physical activity by a need‑based curriculum for students in a rural area of West Bengal
BACKGROUND: Students must be made aware about the essentiality of optimum level of physicalactivity and the fact that it is the key to good health and an important technique to prevent ... Read MoreWhat must Iran do for Palliative care? A systematized review
Palliative care has been proposed as a multidisciplinary method for providing patients with care. Thepresent study proposes to discuss the necessary principles required for any country ... Read MoreA study on the preference of teaching methods among medical undergraduate students in a tertiary care teaching hospital, India
BACKGROUND: In medical education, the learning–teaching method is an active process in whichboth students and teachers have to work mutually to enlighten the knowledge. Currently, ... Read MoreEffect of the jigsaw technique as a cooperative learning approach on motivation and job performance of community health workers: A quasi‑experimental study
BACKGROUND: In Iran, community health workers (CHWs) are native and are only employed inthe health‑care system. Therefore, the training and empowerment of these staff are essential. ... Read MoreThe challenges of Iranian health system preparedness before earthquakes based on the World Health Organization framework
INTRODUCTION: The state of health‑care disaster preparedness in Iran prior to the possibleearthquakes is not well documented. This study identified the challenges of the Iranian health ... Read MoreInvestigation of medical error‑reporting system and reporting status in Iran in 2019
INTRODUCTION: Reporting medical errors is a major challenge in patient safety and improvingservice quality. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of error reporting ... Read MoreDeterminants of well‑being of middle‑school students in Moroccan urban and rural areas: A comparative study
CONTEXT: Well‑being in schools is often considered in relation to the educational and academicsuccess of students. However, it is difficult, at present, not to consider the well‑being ... Read MoreKey educational and research factors affecting the future of medical education discipline in Iran: A qualitative study
CONTEXT: Along with the evolutions of medical sciences education, the importance of medicaleducation discipline has gained more attention for keeping up with these evolutions. Therefore,paying ... Read MoreNursing education in the path of globalization: Promotion or challenge?
Globalization has been attracted by great literature and papers of many disciplines in recent years.Although globalization has considerable social, political, and economic effects, ... Read MoreThe association between nurses’ moral distress and sleep quality and their influencing factor in private and public hospitals in Iran
BACKGROUND: Nurses in their workplace, for a variety of reasons, always face moral distress thatis an underlying issue in the nursing profession, which can lead to problems such as ... Read MoreFactors related to the international research collaboration in the health area: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: International research collaboration (IRC) is known as one of the important indicatorsof productivity, efficiency, and validity of universities in the world. In other words, ... Read MoreAssessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice related to ergonomics among the students of three different dental schools in India: An original research
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Dental students and practitioners are frequently prone towork‑related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) due to the unawareness of ergonomic principleswhen ... Read MoreSelf‑care behaviors in high‑risk women for breast cancer: A randomized clinical trial using health belief model education
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Iranian women. The number of peoplewith this disease is increasing across the world. Positive family history is one of the risk ... Read MoreThe relationship between Life Style and mental health among medical students in Kermanshah
INTRODUCTION: Given the close relationship between life style and mental health and the importanceof students as valuable human resources, the present study aimed at determining the ... Read MoreComparing relationship between spiritual well‑being and death anxiety among women with breast and cervical cancers and women with gastric and colorectal cancers
BACKGROUND: Death anxiety is one of the most common problems among women with cancer,which can affect the useful treatment process. With regard to the superior role of spiritual well‑beingover ... Read MoreData integration in cardiac electrophysiology ablation toward achieving proper interoperability in health information systems
INTRODUCTION: Providing information exchange and collaboration between isolated informationsystems (ISs) is essential in the health‑care environments. In this context, we aimed to ... Read MoreRelationship between fear of childbirth and the sense of cohesion with the attachment of pregnant mothers to the fetus
INTRODUCTION: Maternal–fetal attachment is a term used to describe the emotional relationship thata pregnant woman has with her developing fetus. Mental care for pregnant women ... Read MoreA cross‑sectional study to investigate the impact of focused group discussion on menstrual hygiene among rural school girls of Southern Haryana, India