Document Type : Original Article
Health Information Technology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
BACKGROUND AND AIM: To answer the society’s health‑care needs related to social determinants
of health (SDH), higher education system must be responsive in training knowledgeable students and
faculty members. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the responsiveness of higher
education system in relation to the SDH.
METHODS: This is a content analysis study carried out using qualitative approach. Semi‑structured
interviews were used to gain access to the knowledge of experts in the fields of health care, education,
and SDH. Sampling was carried out until data saturation was achieved during which 15 experts were
selected using purposeful sampling method with highest possible variety. Data were categorized
using qualitative content analysis approach.
RESULTS: In total, 11 themes and 43 categories of codes were identified in semi‑structured
interviews with experts. A total of two approaches were identified for the training of responsive
students including educational–research approach and cultural–social approach; five approaches
were identified for the development of faculty members including cognitive development, executive
development, evaluation, promotion and incentives, and revisions; two approaches were identified for
provision of theoretical and practical education including education in a real and active environment
and structural education; and finally, two approaches were identified for evaluation of students and
faculty members in regard to their responsiveness to society’s health needs and SDH including
content and operational approaches.
CONCLUSION: In general, the results of the current study indicate the need for the higher education
system to use educational, research, and society‑based approaches in real and social environments
along with an incentive system and use of evaluation for responsiveness to society’s health needs
and SDH. These results can be useful for the health‑care system and the higher education system.
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