Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Erratum: Hospital managers’ skills required and onward challenges: A qualitative study
Read MoreErratum: The effect of educational intervention based on the health belief model on osteoarthritis‑preventive behaviors in middle‑aged women
Read MoreEvidence‑based medicine among health‑care workers in hospitals in Iran: A nationwide survey
BACKGROUND: Evidence‑based medicine (EBM) plays an important and dominant role inpromoting effective decision‑making in the health system. This study was aimed to evaluate theEBM ... Read MoreA critical analysis of Iran health system reform plan
INTRODUCTION: Iran’s Health System Reform Plan (HSRP) were initiated in public and hospitalsaffiliated to Medical Sciences Universities in June 2015. The purpose of the present ... Read MorePsychosocial implication of quarantine and lockdown during COVID‑19 pandemic in India
Negative psychological outcomes have been consistently associated with quarantine measure andlockdown. This article tries to look at the psychological implications of quarantine and ... Read MoreA cross‑sectional study to evaluate teaching skills of postgraduate medical students using component skill approach in microteaching
BACKGROUND: Microteaching is a teacher training technique where a teachers get a constructivefeedback from peer or faculty in order to improve their teaching skills. Microteaching is ... Read MorePromoting the psychosocial and communication aspects of nursing care quality using time management skills training
BACKGROUND: Although using time management skills is a major component of nursing professionalpractice, they have not received much attention. Time management training can improve thepsychological ... Read MoreSocial influence of COVID‑19: An observational study on the social impact of post‑COVID‑19 lockdown on everyday life in Kerala from a community perspective
BACKGROUND: The current novel coronavirus pandemic started as a simple outbreak inDecember 2019 from Wuhan, China, and it has now become a global threat. The governments frommost of ... Read MoreHealthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on coronavirus disease in Western Uttar Pradesh
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The ongoing coronavirus disease pandemic caused by anovel genetically‑mutated strain of coronavirus has posed a tremendous challenge to healthcareprofessionals, ... Read MoreQuality of life in Iranian patients with head‑and‑neck cancer
BACKGROUND: The goal of treating cancer patients is to cure the patients and improve their qualityof life (QoL) during their illness. The aim of this research was to assess the QoL ... Read MoreClinical correlation of severe acute respiratory syndrome‑coronavirus‑2 cases in selected districts of Uttar Pradesh: A cross‑sectional hospital‑based study
BACKGROUND: The novel coronavirus (CoV) has resulted in a global pandemic despite drasticmeasures to avoid contagious spread. On April 3, 2020, there were around 1 million reported ... Read MoreHealth anxiety among medical students: A comparison between preclinical and clinical years of training
OBJECTIVE: It is common among medical students to falsely attribute bodily sensations/symptomsand holds a belief of having a medical illness with varying level of conviction. We studied ... Read MoreFear and rumor associated with COVID‑19 among Iranian adults, 2020
CONTEXT: At time of epidemics, fear and rumors in the community are the main obstacles to thesuccess of prevention programs.AIMS: The aim of the study was to investigate the fear and ... Read MorePersonality traits as a predictor of emotional intelligence among medical students
INTRODUCTION: Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage our own feelingsand of others. It has emerged as one of the vital elements of success and interpersonal ... Read MoreKnowledge and awareness on novel coronavirus spread among dental fraternities in Visakhapatnam, India: A questionnaire‑based survey
INTRODUCTION: The pandemic caused by novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2) in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 is a highly contagious disease. The World HealthOrganization ... Read MoreIdentification of dimensions and indicators of spiritual health: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: Spiritual health is considered one of the important dimensions of health and hasbeen given serious attention by the scientific community, World Health Organization, health ... Read MoreEvaluating the disaster preparedness of emergency medical service agencies in the world: A systematic literature review protocol
INTRODUCTION: Disasters occur almost everywhere in the world, and preparation is essential.Preparedness is an effective approach for disaster management, and it is crucial for the healthsystems, ... Read MoreCommunication apprehension and level of anxiety in the medical students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: Communication apprehension (CA) is the fear or anxiety about communicating.This study was designed to investigate the CA and its related factors in the medical students ... Read MoreEffect of education based on health belief model on observation of standard precautions by dental students in Rafsanjan in 2019
INTRODUCTION: It is vital importance to observe standard precautions (SPs) in dentistry to preventthe transfer and spread of blood‑borne diseases in the community. The aim of the ... Read MoreKnowledge, perception, and attitudes of Universal Health Coverage policies among Alfaisal University students in Saudi Arabia
BACKGROUND: Saudi Arabia aims to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by a combinationof free public healthcare and mandatory cooperative health insurance. To ensure the effectivenessof ... Read MoreAssessing the effect of self‑care education on anxiety and depression among pregnant women with a history of spontaneous abortion
INTRODUCTION: Abortion is one of the most common complications of early pregnancy, whichemerges as a physically and mentally devastating experience. Due to the prevalence and importanceof ... Read MorePsychological aspects of climate change risk perception: A content analysis in Iranian context
BACKGROUND: Risk perception is an important predictor to mitigate climate change effects whichcan produce mental health consequences such as anxiety and depression. For developing policiesof ... Read MoreDeterminers of fast‑food consumption in Iranian university students: Application of prototype/willingness model
BACKGROUND: Today, marked by advanced scientific approach, urbanism, and changing life style,there is an ever‑growing rate of fast‑food consumption, which has significantly affected ... Read MoreDeterminants of online health information‑seeking behavior: A cross‑sectional survey among residents of an urban settlement in Delhi
Background: In health care, the rapid proliferation of health information on the internet has resultedin more patients turning to the digital media as their first source of health information ... Read MoreBehavioral approach to food consumption and waste production: A quasi‑experimental study
BACKGROUND: Approximately one third of the food produced in the world for human consumptionwas wasted.OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the effect of intervention on behavior ... Read MoreAyurveda students’ perception toward online learning during the COVID‑19 pandemic
INTRODUCTION: The recent pandemic of COVID‑19 is very challenging for each and every sectorlike health, economic, technology, agriculture, industries, and education. In the field ... Read MoreProfessional responsibility‑acquiring process among bachelor degree nursing students: A grounded theory study
INTRODUCTION: Professional responsibility‑acquiring process among bachelor degree nursingstudents is important for their current and future performance and educational and health‑caresystem, ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between social support and self‑compassion by improving the adequacy of prenatal care
INTRODUCTION: Getting pregnant care is different due to the psychological problems of pregnantmothers. Self‑compassion and social support are the important components of mental health.Women ... Read MoreNurses’ adaptation instrument in the oncology wards: Development and psychometric testing
INTRODUCTION: Understanding adaptation is strongly influenced by the culture and beliefs of everysociety. By increasing knowledge about the different dimensions which require the adaptation ... Read MoreDevelopment of health literacy among postgraduate students: From information literacy perspective
OBJECTIVES: Involving the patients in health‑related decisions requires high health literacy. Healthliteracy is related to the concept of information literacy through its emphasis ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of two methods of counseling (face to face and telephone) on awareness and attitude toward adoption in infertile couples
INTRODUCTION: Many infertile people have heard about adoption, but little is known about the truemeaning of adoption and how it is accepted. Giving the right information about adoption ... Read MoreEffectiveness of life skills health education program: A quasi‑experimental study among school students of South India
BACKGROUND: Adolescence is a vital stage of growth and development; however, many adolescentsdo die prematurely due to accidents, suicide, violence, poor mental stability, depression, ... Read MoreImproving the level of awareness and attitude toward fertility and fertility counseling skills of health staff with both face‑to‑face and virtual training methods
INTRODUCTION: Considering the trend of reducing fertility in recent decades, the level of awarenessand attitude of health workers to fertility has an important role in achieving the ... Read MoreBurnout and job dissatisfaction as negative psychological barriers in school settings: A mixed‑methods investigation of Iranian teachers
BACKGROUND: Despite the multitude of studies comparing teacher burnout with an ample ofvariables, a need for seeking what English language teachers think about their job and the interferingvariables ... Read MoreInvestigating high blood pressure, type‑2 diabetes, dislipidemia, and body mass index to determine the health status of people over 30 years
INTRODUCTION: Over the past decades, the pattern of diseases in human societies had changedfrom infectious diseases to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and according to the report by ... Read MorePrevalence and predictors of iron‑deficiency anemia: Women’s health perspective at reproductive age in the suburb of dried Urmia Lake, Northwest of Iran
BACKGROUND: Dried Urmia Lake in the northwest of Iran is a major regional source of sodiumand toxic metal aerosols which may cause numerous health problems. The aim of this study was ... Read MoreEffectiveness of education based on family‑centered empowerment model on health‑promoting behaviors and some metabolic biomarkers in elderly women: A stratified randomized clinical trial
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of family‑centered care interventions is to enhance the abilities of familymembers in certain areas that overcome the barriers to health and well‑being, The ... Read MoreAttitude and perception of gender equity among students and teachers of a rural school in West Bengal: A mixed‑method approach