Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Determining the rate of achievement of outpatient education standards in major departments of Shiraz medical school from interns’ viewpoints, based on ministry’s clinical education standards in 2018–2019
INTRODUCTION: In order to improve outpatient education, it is necessary to carry out formativestandard evaluation to reveal the strengths and weaknesses to improve planning the quality ... Read MoreEvaluation of in‑person continuing education programs from the perspective of ward nurses
BACKGROUND: Assessing how programs are implemented from the perspective of the learnersthemselves is one of the most effective ways to improve the quality of continuing education. The ... Read MoreEffect of an e‑learning tool on knowledge of recent Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme guidelines among Medical Interns
BACKGROUND: Medical students should have adequate knowledge on tuberculosis (TB) andnational guidelines pertaining to its control, which is a major public health problem in developingcountries. ... Read MoreThe effect of case‑based teaching and flipped classroom methods in comparison with lecture method on learning and satisfaction of internship students in surgery
INTRODUCTION: Teaching is one of the most important needs of human societies, and selectingthe best method of teaching is so important to improve the teaching as well as learning of ... Read MoreManagement of the essential data element in the differential diagnosis of oral medicine: An effective step in promoting oral health
BACKGROUND: Oral soft tissue diseases include a broad spectrum, and the wide array of patientdata elements need to be processed in their diagnosis. One of the biggest and most basic ... Read MoreRole of self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and outcome expectancy in promoting oral health behaviors in adolescent girls
INTRODUCTION: Oral health is a very important issue for different groups, especially adolescents.Social cognitive theory seeks to describe and promote people’s health behaviors ... Read MoreThe effect of educational classes during pregnancy on the level of sexual satisfaction after delivery in nulliparous women
BACKGROUND: In the postpartum period, changes in sexual desire and marital satisfaction can beseen. Learning and giving enough information on changes in pregnancy and postpartum can ... Read MoreWillingness to quit alcohol use and its associated factors among male outpatients attending urban primary health centers in Delhi
CONTEXT: Harmful use of alcohol has led to 1.7 million deaths from noncommunicable diseasesand 1 million injury deaths including road traffic accidents, self‑harm, and interpersonal ... Read MoreThe effect of counseling based on acceptance and commitment therapy on mental health and quality of life among infertile couples: A randomized controlled trial
INTRODUCTION: Infertility by creating a disturbing and debilitating condition is considered as animportant individual, public, and social health problem. The purpose of this study was ... Read MoreReview of environmental challenges and pandemic crisis of Covid‑19
INTRODUCTION: Spread of novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 [SARS‑CoV‑2]) has become a global and pandemic crisis. Some measures such as excessiveuse ... Read MoreExploring the educational opportunity and implementation of CARE among dental students in India
CONTEXT: Empathy is considered to be backbone of the patient–physician relationship. Theconsultation and relational empathy (CARE) measure is widely used internationally to measureempathy. ... Read MoreWhy the tremendous potential of uploading health educational material on medical institutions’ website remains grossly underutilized in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Due to the short span available for consultation with clinicians, patients try to become well versedwith their clinical conditions before the medical consultation. They search Google ... Read MoreThe effect of motivational interviewing‑based training on the rate of using mental health services and intensity of suicidal ideation in individuals with suicide attempt admitted to the emergency department
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Unless mental health care is provided to suicide attemptersafter discharge from the emergency department, suicide prevention opportunities may be lost. Thepurpose ... Read MoreExploring the process of turning back to professional nursing practice in Iran: A grounded theory
BACKGROUND: The current nursing shortage is complicated because of turnover intentionamong nurses. Most of the inactive nurses returned to professional nursing practice. Returned toprofessional ... Read MoreEffective characteristics on designing the information system of medicinal plants from users’ perspective
BACKGROUND: Designing information systems will increase the efficiency and effectiveness ofthe system according to the information needs of the stakeholders. The present study examined ... Read MoreHealth literacy knowledge and experience survey: Cross‑cultural adaptation and the psychometric properties of the Iranian nurse version
BACKGROUND: Nurses’ knowledge and Experience with Health Literacy can affect the treatmentprocess, improving the quality of health care and effectively communicating with all ... Read MoreEfficacy of Lecture cum demonstration versus video‑based teaching regarding active management of third stage of labor in terms of knowledge and skills of GNM students: An interventional study
INTRODUCTION: Educational interventions have been associated with improved performance andsignificant changes, especially in perinatal outcomes. Teaching is one of the main components ... Read MoreQualitative study of social determinants of child marriage in Kurdish regions of Iran: Evidence for health promotion interventions
INTRODUCTION: One of the most thought‑provoking problems in the world is child marriage that isaffected by various factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the ... Read MoreAssociation between health literacy and adopting preventive behaviors of breast cancer in Iran
BACKGROUND: Health literacy plays an important role in adopting preventive behaviors. Consideringthe relatively high prevalence of breast cancer in women, this study aimed to assess ... Read MoreThe potential beneficial effects of education and familiarity with cesarean section procedure and the operating room environment on promotion of anxiety and pain intensity: A randomized controlled clinical trial
BACKGROUND: Anxiety before and pain intensity after cesarean section is among the factors thatshould be taken into consideration among the candidates for cesarean section. The present ... Read MoreLifestyle‑related advice in the management of obesity: A step‑wise approach
Obesity is a commonly encountered health‑care problem that is an independent risk factor for chronicmetabolic complications. Primary care physicians are the first point of contact ... Read MoreInvestigation of the relationship between the safety climate and occupational fatigue among the nurses of educational hospitals in Zabol
INTRODUCTION: Some working and organizational conditions, such as psychological stress andshift work, are factors that threaten the health of staff working in health centers. These ... Read MoreA roadmap for implementing general policies of resistance economy in the Isfahan Universities of Medical Sciences
CONTEXT AND AIMS: The country development can be promoted through applying policies of theresistance economy in the health system and universities. Therefore, this paper aimed to provide ... Read MoreNursing empowerment by simulation in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy short‑time complication control: Protocol study
BACKGROUND: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is one of the most suitable methodsfor long‑term nutritional support. In this study, the empowerment of intensive care nurses ... Read MoreEffect of e‑learning methods on Dental education: An observational study
BACKGROUND: The progress in the usage of technology in hardware, software, and cost‑effectiveInternet connectivity enable the availability of science‑related information and its ... Read MoreLearning promotion of physiotherapy in neurological diseases: Design and application of a virtual reality‑based game
INTRODUCTION: The virtual reality‑based (VR) game can be considered as a new approach toeducation and to enhance the skills of health‑care students.AIMS: The purposes of this research ... Read MorePsychometric evaluation of a questionnaire to evaluate organizational capacity development for faculty development programs
BACKGROUND: Organizational capacity development is an important outcome of facultydevelopment programs, but there is a lack of an appropriate instrument for its evaluation.AIMS AND ... Read MoreThe factors affecting academic burnout in medical students of Mashahd University of Medical Sciences in 2013-2015
INTRODUCTION: Academic burnout is one of the issues involving the educational systems at alllevels, which wastes the human resources and expenditures. Academic burnout refers to the ... Read MoreModule to facilitate self‑directed learning among medical undergraduates: Development and implementation
CONTEXT: Currently, self‑directed learning (SDL) is emphasized in medical institutions all over theworld. The skills of SDL enable one to be a lifelong learner, a necessity to cope ... Read MoreThe deficits of the Iranian educational system in teaching children with conduct disorders
BACKGROUND: One of the serious issues in the field of children’s social and mental health globally,is conduct disorder. Concerning the special problems of these children, their ... Read MoreThe role of communication skills in the promotion of productivity of health human resource in Iran: A cross‑sectional study
INTRODUCTION: Organization survival is dependent on communications and managers spend a mainportion of their time to establish communications. The identification, improvement, and developmentof ... Read MoreHospital managers’ skills required and onward challenges: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: The qualification of managers in terms of management skills is one of the mostimportant factors in the continuous success of each organization, and utilizing such skills ... Read MoreEvaluation of health experts’ education program for becoming multiprofessionals (family health caregiver) regarding health system transformation plan: An application of CIPP model
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to evaluate the health experts andprofessionals’ education program in order to become multiprofessionals regarding health systemtransformation ... Read MoreEvaluating the efficacy of handwashing demonstration on hand hygiene among school students – An interventional study