Document Type : Original Article



BACKGROUND: Washing of hands and maintenance of appropriate hand hygiene plays a significant
role in preventing the spread of many communicable diseases. However, literature demonstrating
the efficacy of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended handwashing procedure among
schoolchildren in India is scanty.
AIM: The aim of this study was to assess hand hygiene efficacy through graphical assessment
technique utilizing ultraviolet (UV)‑sensitive fluorescent lotion before and after handwashing
demonstration among students aged 12–18 years.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was an interventional study carried out over a period of 5 days
among 21 schoolchildren aged 12–18 years in their respective school premises. Participants were
requested to rub their hands with an UV‑sensitive fluorescent lotion and then wash them. Hands
were air‑dried and examined under UV rays for blue light emission in a dark room. Emission of blue
light highlighted parts of hand where lotion is still present and area not washed properly. Such areas
were painted with nontoxic skin‑friendly paints. Painted hands were imprinted over graph papers.
Hand hygiene demonstration was provided to the participants as per the WHO guidelines by qualified
public health dentists using audiovisual aids. Postintervention, the procedure followed at baseline
was adopted to obtain imprints of uncovered (not covered during hand hygiene process) parts of
hands. The mean percentage of uncovered parts of hand was assessed and compared between
baseline and postintervention.
RESULTS: The overall mean percentage score of uncovered hand area significantly reduced from
73.90 ± 19.81 mm2
 at baseline to 20.05 ± 17.0 mm2
 after demonstration of proper hand hygiene
guidelines (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Hand hygiene demonstration by qualified public health dentists using audio‑visual
aids has significantly contributed to improving their hand hygiene practice.


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