Document Type : Original Article



CONTEXT: Currently, self‑directed learning (SDL) is emphasized in medical institutions all over the
world. The skills of SDL enable one to be a lifelong learner, a necessity to cope up with fast‑expanding
medical knowledge.
AIMS: This study aims to develop and implement an “SDL” module for medical undergraduates and
find out their perception about the same.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A cross‑sectional study using a mixed‑method design (having both
qualitative and quantitative components) was conducted in the Department of Community Medicine,
UCMS, Delhi, India.
METHODS: A module was developed following an extensive literature review and focus group
discussions with the teaching staff of the institute. First‑semester undergraduate students were
invited to participate in the study and asked for feedback using a semi‑structured questionnaire.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Quantitative data were expressed in mean, range, and frequency. For
qualitative data, thematic analysis was performed.
RESULTS: The module was implemented with 160 students, in November for 10 hour distributed
over 5 weeks. Feedback could be obtained from 130 students. Sixty‑seven percent of students were
satisfied and 66% reported as motivated to study the allotted topic further. Qualitative analysis showed
that though the students liked the learning process based on this module, they also felt facilitators
could have been more active in imparting knowledge and skills.
CONCLUSIONS: To make learners equipped with the ability to learn throughout a professional
learning course, SDL as a learning tool should be introduced in the medical undergraduate curriculum.


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