Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Anesthesia and Surgical Technologists, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
2 Department of Midwifery, Maternal‑Fetal Medicine Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
BACKGROUND: Anxiety before and pain intensity after cesarean section is among the factors that
should be taken into consideration among the candidates for cesarean section. The present study
aimed to investigate the effect of familiarity with cesarean section and the operating room environment
on anxiety and pain intensity among the mothers undergoing cesarean section.
METHODS: This clinical trial was conducted on 80 women referred to the hospitals affiliated to
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences for cesarean section in 2018. The participants were randomly
divided into a control (n = 40) and an intervention group (n = 40). The intervention group took part
in four educational sessions, while the control group received the hospital’s routine care. The Beck
Anxiety Inventory was completed by the two groups before and after the intervention. The McGill Pain
Questionnaire was also filled out by the two groups in the ward after the cesarean section. After all,
the data were entered into the SPSS software, version 21, and were analyzed using independent
t‑test and ANCOVA.
RESULTS: The results showed no significant difference between the two groups regarding the
mean score of anxiety prior to the intervention. After the intervention, the mean score of anxiety
was 7.98 ± 3.77 in the intervention group and 19.70 ± 6.45 in the control group, and the difference
was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). Indeed, the mean intensity of pain was 43.98 ± 7.63 in the
intervention group and 57.75 ± 10.69 in the control group after the intervention, and the difference
was statistically significant (P < 0.017).
CONCLUSION: The patients’ familiarity with cesarean section and the operating room environment
caused a decline in the anxiety level prior to cesarean section as well as a decrease in the score
of pain after the operation. Hence, midwives and nurses have to play effective roles in decreasing
pregnant women’s anxiety and pain through identification of strategies for empowering them and
managing their worries.
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