Document Type : Original Article
Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to evaluate the health experts and
professionals’ education program in order to become multiprofessionals regarding health system
transformation plan by a descriptive and educational evaluation method based on the context, input,
process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model in 2018.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The statistical population included managers and experts of health
deputy (13 people), managers and authorities in health networks (32 people), teachers (251 people),
and learners (1914 people). Data were collected by four researcher‑made questionnaires based on
the CIPP model and evaluation checklist of facilities and equipment. The view of experts was used to
measure the face validity and content validity of the questionnaire, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
was used to determine reliability. Data were entered into SPSS 23 software, and data were provided
using descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, and standard deviation).
RESULTS: The evaluation indicators of the educational course in the field of context were
evaluated desirable by province’s managers and experts (95% questions), city managers (100%
questions), teachers (95% questions), and health caregivers (80% questions). In the field of input,
it was evaluated desirable by managers and experts’ input of province (60% questions) and city
managers (70% questions) and it was evaluated semi‑desirable by teachers (78.95% questions)
and health caregivers (88.24% questions). In the field of process, it was evaluated desirable by
province’s managers and experts (73.68% questions) and city managers (66.67% questions) and
it was evaluated semi‑desirable by teachers (66.67% questions) and health caregivers (94.4%
questions). In the field of product, it was evaluated semi‑desirable by managers and experts of
province (63.63% questions), teachers (81.81% questions), and health caregivers (100% questions)
and it was evaluated desirable by city managers (72.72% questions).
CONCLUSION: Holding initial service education course of health caregivers has been necessary, and
the public health, family, and midwifery disciplines needed to be educated in a university appropriate
to the description of tasks of health caregivers.
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