Document Type : Original Article
INTRODUCTION: Educational interventions have been associated with improved performance and
significant changes, especially in perinatal outcomes. Teaching is one of the main components in
educational planning which is a key factor in conducting educational plans through various teaching
strategies such as simulation, demonstration and video teaching.
AIM: The study aimed to assess lecture cum demonstration (LCD) versus video‑based teaching (VBT)
regarding active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) in terms of knowledge and skills
of General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) students.
METHODS: This was a quasi‑experimental study conducted on 100 GNM third‑year students selected
by purposive sampling and randomly assigned to LCD (n = 50) and VBT (n = 50) groups. Sample
characteristics performa, Structured Knowledge Questionnaire, and observational checklist were
used to collect data from GNM students through self‑report and observational technique.
RESULTS: The study results showed that the mean posttest knowledge scores of LCD (17.32 ± 2.14)
and VBT group (16.90 ± 2.41) were nearly equal and mean rank posttest skills score of LCD
group (54.40) was slightly higher than VBT group (49.51), but computed “ t ” value of mean posttest
knowledge and computed “ Z ” value of skill score of both LCD and VBT group (0.47, 0.54) were
found to be statistically non‑significant at 0.05 level of significance.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that both LCD and VBT were found to be effective in improving
knowledge and skills of GNM students regarding AMTSL.
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