Department of Community Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Due to the short span available for consultation with clinicians, patients try to become well versed
with their clinical conditions before the medical consultation. They search Google for their medical
information; here comes the problem of authenticity of the sources. It is very difficult to obtain authentic
medical information for the patients from the Internet. As a result, sometimes, patients ask questions
to the overburdened doctors and irritate them. To solve this problem and wider dissemination of
authentic medical knowledge, the existing website of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education
and Research (PGIMER) has been utilized. In PGIMER, Chandigarh, health education materials in
text and video formats have been uploaded on the PGIMER website for empowering patients. All
these have been successfully tested in the outpatient departments of PGIMER, Chandigarh. To our
knowledge, this unique approach is the first of its kind in India. We hope this approach of sharing
medical information through the PGIMER website may help patient empowerment to a large extent.
Later, this concept can be replicated in all medical colleges in India.
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