Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Neurophysiological parameters of sensory perception and cognition among different modalities of learners
INTRODUCTION: Different types of learners based on sensory modalities are observed. Cognition orphysiological alterations in the sensory pathways might play its role in different modalities ... Read MoreThe effect of educational intervention based on dramatic literature on parents of elementary schoolchildren skills in sex education
BACKGROUND: Today, one of the biggest concerns of parents is protecting their children andproperly educating them about sex. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of educationalintervention ... Read MoreFamily physician model in the health system of selected countries: A comparative study summary
BACKGROUND: In the 21st century, with the epidemiological and demographic transition andthe changing nature of diseases and the increase in the burden of chronic diseases, the need ... Read MoreMaternal early pregnancy body mass index and pregnancy outcomes among nulliparous women registered in tertiary care hospital and urban slum hospital of a metropolitan city
BACKGROUND: Underweight is still prevalent in developing countries like India. Prepregnancy bodymass index (BMI) is used as the standard against which the measurements are made in pregnancy.AIM: ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of electronic education and workshop on the satisfaction of nurses about Emergency Severity Index triage
INTRODUCTION: Nurse educators need to develop the level of scientific and practical of the studentswith the goal of becoming expert nurses. However, the use of modern educational methods ... Read MoreModeling the relationship between attachment styles and somatic symptoms with the mediating role of emotional processing
INTRODUCTION: In spite of our general knowledge about psychological roots and defects ofdevelopmental processes in the formation of somatic symptoms, the effect of the interaction ofdevelopmental ... Read MorePromoting health and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint through non‑pharmacological treatment strategies: A randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disorder whichprimarily affects the articular cartilage of synovial joints followed by bony remodeling and overgrowthat ... Read MoreImplementing of mental health training programs for promotion of health affected teenage girls to premenstrual syndrome: A community‑based study
BACKGROUND: Mental health is one of the major determinants of a person’s health which hasa significant impact on the quality of life. Implementing of mental health training programs ... Read MoreThe need for renovating patient education in kidney transplantation: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Many kidney transplant recipients lack the knowledge, abilities, and support theyneed for self‑care. On the other hand, most kidney transplant centers do not have a well‑plannedand ... Read MoreComparison of emotional intelligence, body image, and quality of life between rhinoplasty candidates and control group
INTRODUCTION: Psychological factors affect the tendency of individuals toward cosmetic surgeriesalthough their contribution has not been clearly understood. Therefore, the current study ... Read MoreClinical instructors' recruitment callenges: Interpretive Structural Modeling approach
CONTEXT: Universities of medical sciences are responsible for educating and training humanresources (HRs) that provide services to all members of the community. Clinical educators play ... Read MoreComparing the effect of standardized patient‑based education and feedback lecture on midwives’ knowledge and practice in counseling screening for fetal malformations
INTRODUCTION: Midwifery screening is one of the duties of midwives according to nationalguidelines. It is possible to increase midwives’ knowledge and practice through effective ... Read MoreInvestigating the sexual quality of life and its relationship with general health in older men in Iran
INTRODUCTION: Sexual problems in elder people are considered as a public health concern andcan affect their overall health and quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the sexual ... Read MoreEffectiveness of emotional intelligence training program on marital satisfaction, sexual quality of life, and psychological well‑being of women
CONTEXT: Emotional communications play an important role in having a satisfying relationshipand a more successful marriage. If marriage does not provide suitable conditions to satisfy ... Read MoreResults from brief educational intervention and health screenings: A community health study of Latinos in Southwest Florida
BACKGROUND: Latinos in the U.S., one of the fastest growing minority population, have lowhealth‑related knowledge and higher rates of diabetes and obesity.AIM: The study aims (1) ... Read MoreAssociation of quality of life with physical activity, depression, and demographic characteristics and its predictors among medical students
BACKGROUND: Medical students face a variety of challenges during their years of medical educationthat can affect their quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to investigate the association ... Read MoreThe effect of empowerment program based on the social cognitive theory on the activity of daily living in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
OBJECTIVE AND AIM: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most commonchronic diseases. The patient’s fear and anxiety of shortness of breath and coughing during ... Read MoreMaternal health improvement through root cause analysis of severe maternal morbidity (maternal near miss) in Isfahan, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Investigating severe maternal morbidity and near‑miss cases are appliedinternationally as a new indicator to examine the quality of maternal care and as an effective ... Read MoreOpportunities and challenges of social media for health knowledge management: A narrative review
INTRODUCTION: Social media is becoming a new tool for developing health knowledge management.However, despite the rapid growth of research in this area, few attempts have been made ... Read MoreRisk communication during novel corona‑virus disease 2019 pandemic in low health service coverage setup: The case of Ethiopia
Read MoreEffectiveness of school‑based mental health programs on mental health among adolescents
AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effect of school‑based interventions on mental health amongadolescents in the southeast of Iran.METHODS: This interventional quasi‑experimental ... Read MoreDesign and psychometric properties of willingness to mobile learning scale for medical sciences students: A mixed‑methods study
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Given the absence of a scale specially designed to measure willingnessto mobile learning (m‑learning) in medical sciences students, the present study was conducted ... Read MoreValidity and reliability of the Persian version of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Abuse Short Form
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Measuring child abuse and adverse experiences is a critical task withregard to its long‑term impact on the health of individuals and communities. The purpose of ... Read MoreTraining needs assessment of nursing managers for achieving university health coverage
BACKGROUND: University health coverage gives everyone accesses to health services focusedon the most important causes of illness and death and ensures that the quality of services is ... Read MoreFrequency of physical inactivity and insufficient sleep, and their mixed effects on academic achievement in ethnic minority students: A matched case–control study in a dental school
BACKGROUND: Ethnic minorities are underrepresented in health sciences programs in variousnations. Furthermore, there is no known research studying the occurrence of physical inactivity ... Read MoreEnhancing academic engagement of underachieving gifted students: The effects of Martin’s educational program
INTRODUCTION: Gifted students are superior to their peers in terms of cognitive, educational,scientific, creativity, and artistic abilities. There are also gifted students who struggle ... Read MoreA new method of “student‑centered formative assessment” and improving students’ performance: An effort in the health promotion of community
BACKGROUND: Improving the learning process in education will empower medical students, andalso formative assessment helps improve the teaching–learning process by providing ongoingreflective ... Read MoreExposure to coronavirus (COVID‑19) using narrative and simulated experience approaches: A commentary
Read MoreImproving hypertension surveillance from a data management prospective: Data requirements for implementation of population-based registry