Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


INTRODUCTION: Nurse educators need to develop the level of scientific and practical of the students
with the goal of becoming expert nurses. However, the use of modern educational methods to raise
the motivation and satisfaction of learners can help individuals achieve this goal. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to investigate the effect of health education in emergency nurses about triage.
METHODS: A two‑group pool‑blind experimental study was performed on seventy emergency nurses.
Samples were randomly assigned into two groups: e‑learning group (35 individuals = electronic
education) and traditional group (35 = workshop education). The demographic questionnaire and the
satisfaction questionnaire before and 2 weeks after the intervention in both groups were completed.
RESULTS: Independent t‑test showed that the satisfaction scores before intervention in both
e‑learning and traditional groups were not statistically significant, whereas there was a significant
difference between two groups after 2 weeks after the intervention (P = 0/015).
CONCLUSION: Using nursing professors’ electronic education programs can increase the level of
satisfaction and motivation in the nursing mothers. Therefore, the use of this new educational method
is recommended by managers and educational planners as an effective teaching.


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