Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The use of physical restraints‑ knowledge and attitude of nurses of a tertiary care institute, Uttarakhand, India
BACKGROUND: The use of physical restraint in health‑care settings is common and complex practiceas it has physical, psychological, judicial, ethical, and moral issues. Nurses are ... Read MoreExamination of parental knowledge of child weight status and associated potential health risks
BACKGROUND: The identification of parental health knowledge related to obesity and overweightstatus in children is an important area. Its importance relates to understanding gaps in ... Read MoreDevelopment of a comprehensive communication skills curriculum bases on intervention mapping in response to an urgent need for community health workers’ education reform: A study protocol
BACKGROUND: Communication skills are one of the most important competencies required forcommunity health workers (CHWs); however, there is no systematic evidence‑based communicationtraining ... Read MoreSchoolchild as a health educator for parents regarding hypertension: A quasi‑experimental study among school students of South India
BACKGROUND: An alarming trend of sustained blood pressure elevation among children andadolescents has been found. Health education to schoolchildren in their formative age is the mosteffective ... Read MoreIntegrated framework to improve health policy implementation in the way of Iran 2025 vision: Bridging policy to practice gap in developing countries
INTRODUCTION: Health policymaking seems simple; in practice, but, it is very complex. However,this study aimed to provide a framework to bridge the gap between policy and action in ... Read MoreScreening asymptomatic school children for early asthma by determining airway narrowing through peak expiratory flow rate measurement
BACKGROUND: Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is widely used as a predictor of treatment ofasthma patients. Peak expiratory flow and forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1) are ... Read MoreDiscovering the performance criteria of education development centers of medical sciences universities: A qualitative study
CONTEXT: Performance is a significant objective of any organization. To grow and develop andto improve the performance of the education development centers (EDCs) of medical sciencesuniversities ... Read MoreThe impact to demographic and academic factors on metacognition and academic self‑efficacy: A study on Iranian students in health sciences
BACKGROUND: Metacognition and academic self‑efficacy are two emerging resources in the processof learning. Basic levels of metacognition and academic self‑efficacy may differ and ... Read MoreEffect of education based on “PRECEDE” model on self‑care behavior in hemodialysis patients
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patients undergoing hemodialysis due to multiple drug therapies,special diet plans, and need to acquire the ability to adapt to physical and mental disabilities ... Read MorePsychiatry gamification from blended learning models and efficacy of this program on students
BACKGROUND: New gamification technology with a detailed understanding of the goals andprospects, and with the help of game elements and techniques, leads to promotion of motivationand ... Read MoreThe effectivity of pictorial health warning to motivate smoking cessation in rural area: A study from Losari village, Indonesia
INTRODUCTION: Smoking is a significant health problem among Indonesian adolescents and adults.The Indonesian government had issued several policies to alleviate this problem, including ... Read MoreEmotional intelligence and learning strategies of postgraduate students at Kerman University of Medical Sciences in the southeast of Iran
INTRODUCTION: Emotional intelligence and learning strategies are among the major requirementsfor success and academic achievement. The present research was designed and carried out ... Read MoreStress as a challenge in promoting mental health among dementia caregivers
BACKGROUND: Caregiver stress is harmful to the health of both caregivers and people living withAlzheimer’s disease or other dementias. The present study was conducted to assess ... Read MoreSpiritual health in women with multiple sclerosis and its association with self‑esteem
INTRODUCTION: Spiritual health is one of the four dimensions of health in humans, and the othersare physical, psychological, and social dimensions. This dimension is essential to increase ... Read MoreIdentification of common indicators of hospital performance evaluation models: A scoping review
BACKGROUND: Hospitals in developed countries allocate itself about 40% of health‑care costsand in developing countries up to 80%. In this study, researchers reviewed the related article ... Read MoreComparing the effect of two health education methods, self‑directed and support group learning on the quality of life and self‑care in Iranian postmenopausal woman
BACKGROUND: Women during menopause stages experience many symptoms, for which theylack enough knowledge to manage them. This study aimed to compare the effect of self‑directed andsupport ... Read MorePostgraduate students’ perspective on using Twitter as a learning resource in higher education
CONTEXT: In the era of technology, social networking has become a platform for the teaching–learning process. Exploring international students’ perspective on using Twitter ... Read MoreQuality of training in oral health educational programs: What do primary healthcare providers think?
INTRODUCTION: Due to changes in scientific findings and assigned tasks, continuing educationand other enabling programs are increasingly critical for primary healthcare providers to ... Read MoreAssessment of clinical and paraclinical departments of military hospitals based on the Pabon Lasso Model
INTRODUCTION: Today, it is important to use different indices to measure the performance ofhospitals. This study aimed to investigate and evaluate the performance indicators of military ... Read MoreEducational concern of surgical technology students in the operating room: A grounded theory study
INTRODUCTION: Bachelor’s program in surgical technology is a major of medical science, in Iran.Learning and adapting to different skills and roles in the operation room environment ... Read MorePrioritization of needs among students of University of Medical Sciences: A needs assessment
INTRODUCTION: The need assessment is a fundamental part of any planning, and almost byneglecting it, the effectiveness of the programs is impossible. The purpose of this study was theprioritization ... Read MoreEvaluating the stress and its association with stressors among the dental undergraduate students of Kanpur city, India: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Dental education can be a critical wellspring of stress among dental students,and studies have observed higher levels of stress among dental students than in the all‑inclusivecommunity. ... Read MoreA healthy behavior and socioeconomic inequality in school‑age children in the West of Iran
BACKGROUND: Sufficient physical activity (SPA) in children and adolescents has an important rolein health, growth, and development of persons. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence ... Read MoreThe relationship between hope and resilience with promoting maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
INTRODUCTION: Maternal attachment to the fetus is an emotional bond and the unique relationshipof the pregnant woman to the fetus. Attachment is an important predictor of mental health. ... Read MoreThe Relationship between religious orientation and promotion of sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction in women of reproductive age
INTRODUCTION: Marital satisfaction is a situation in which the husband and wife enjoy marryingand feeling emotional; on the other hand, the existence of religious beliefs has a significant ... Read MoreSpirituality and effective factors in education: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Spirituality in education, as a necessity in improving the quality ofteaching and learning, is affected by various personal, social, religious, and cultural factors. ... Read MorePeer education for medical students on health promotion and clinical risk management