Document Type : Original Article
Health School, Shahrekord University of Medical Science, Shahrekord, Iran
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patients undergoing hemodialysis due to multiple drug therapies,
special diet plans, and need to acquire the ability to adapt to physical and mental disabilities require
special monitoring. The PRECEDE‑PROCEED model is a process for behavior change and can
lead to the promotion of self‑care behavior. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a
health promotion program based on the PRECEDE‑PROCEED model on self‑care behaviors in
hemodialysis patients.
METHODS: This was a clinical trial study that was performed on 67 patients undergoing hemodialysis
in Lordegan Hospital that has been distributed in two groups randomly. Data were collected using
self‑care assessment form according to the PRECEDE‑PROCEED model. Based on the results of
this questionnaire, five educational sessions were held in the fields of knowledge, attitude, enabling
factors, reinforcement, and behavioral factors for the samples. Data were analyzed using descriptive
and analytical statistics with SPSS version 21 software.
RESULTS: According to statistical analysis before intervention, no significant difference was observed
between the mean scores of self‑care among the two groups. However, instantly and 3 months after
intervention, the mean score of self‑care (P = 0/03), knowledge, attitude, reinforcement factors, and
behavioral factors (P < 0.05) significantly increased in the experimental group.
CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study PRECEDE‑PROCESS model, the health promotion
program increased the mean self‑care score of hemodialysis patients. This program has been able to
improve their self‑care behaviors by changing knowledge, attitudes, and reinforcement and behavioral
factors of patients and is recommending as an application in the nursing of these patients.
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