Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

2 Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia


INTRODUCTION: Smoking is a significant health problem among Indonesian adolescents and adults.
The Indonesian government had issued several policies to alleviate this problem, including placement
of pictorial health warning (PHW) on cigarette package. There had been several evaluation studies
regarding the effectivity of PHW in urban areas but none in rural areas. This study aims to evaluate
the effectivity of PHW in motivating smoking cessation in a rural area in Indonesia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross‑sectional study conducted in August
2017 in Losari village, Indonesia. Respondents of this study were villagers aged 18–60 years who
were active smokers and purchased cigarette with PHW on the package. The research instruments
for this study were questionnaire and printout pictures of each PHW approved by the Indonesian
RESULTS: There were 94 respondents recruited in this study. Among them, only 26 (27.7%) stated
that PHW motivated them to stop smoking. From the five figures of PHW, a picture of lung cancer
was the most effective PHW to motivate smoking cessation. Eighty‑one of 94 respondents affirm
that there are other factors besides PHW that might motivate them to stop smoking. Most of them
agreed that an increase in cigarette price will force them to stop smoking.
CONCLUSIONS: Current PHW used on cigarette package might be ineffective in motivating smoking
cessation at Losari village. Further study with larger samples needs to be done to confirm this finding.


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