Document Type : Original Article
Department of Medical Education, Medical Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Due to changes in scientific findings and assigned tasks, continuing education
and other enabling programs are increasingly critical for primary healthcare providers to keep them
up‑to‑date in delivering oral health services. Planning these educational courses based on actual
PHCPs’ needs is fundamental to provide effective ones. The purpose of this study was to elucidate
the experiences and needs of PHCPs regarding the quality of the oral health training provided in
continuing education and other enabling courses.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A qualitative study with content analysis approach was conducted in
Najaf‑Abad, Isfahan, Iran, in 2017. Data were gathered through in‑depth semi‑structured interviews
with 19 primary healthcare providers. The sampling was started with purposeful method and continued
through snowball method. Qualitative data were coded and analyzed using MAXQDA (VER 12).
RESULTS: Factors affecting the quality of oral health training were categorized into three themes and
nine subthemes, including instructor’s related factors (knowledge, skills, and relevant experiences),
educational content (content relevance, content innovation, and content update), and teaching
methods and educational tools (fitting educational contents, covering learners’ needs, and considering
available possibilities).
CONCLUSION: Instructors with inadequate level of knowledge, skills, and relevant experiences as
well as inappropriate selection of educational content, teaching methods, and educational tools, were
recognized as affecting factors on the quality of oral health training and effectiveness of continuous
education and enabling programs.
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