Document Type : Original Article
- . Hojjat Sheikhbardsiri
- . Hakimeh Sheikhasadi 1
- . Shahla Ayoubi Mahani 2
- . Mohammad Mahdi Doust Mohamadi
1 Department of Nursing, Kerman University of Medical Sciences
2 Department of Dental Public Health, Social Determinants on Oral Health Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Emotional intelligence and learning strategies are among the major requirements
for success and academic achievement. The present research was designed and carried out to
explore the relationship of emotional intelligence with learning strategies in postgraduate students.
METHODS: The study employed a cross‑sectional design and was conducted at Kerman University of
Medical Sciences in 2018. Using the emotional intelligence questionnaire by Bradberry and Greaves
and a researcher‑made questionnaire of learning strategic, we assessed the relationship of emotional
intelligence with learning strategies in postgraduate students using a census method (n = 338).
Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and analytic
statistics such as Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, ANOVA, t‑test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient
at P < 0.05 significance level.
RESULTS: This study showed that the mean emotional intelligence score of postgraduate students
was 91.12 ± 13.92 and also no significant relationship between the learning strategies and the
emotional intelligence in the participants, but the emotional intelligence components showed a
positive significant relationship with the learning strategy components, namely self‑efficacy, rehearsal,
critical thinking, cognitive self‑regulation, time and study environment management, peer learning,
and help‑seeking.
CONCLUSION: It could be stated that emotional intelligence components can be taught and fostered
to improve the emotional intelligence of the learners, optimal learning, and the quality of educational
outcomes. However, a learning strategy is a natural, habitual, unique, and fixed preferential method
that serves to absorb, process, and maintain new information and skills. In other words, reinforcement
of emotional intelligence facilitates learning.
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