Document Type : Original Article



BACKGROUND: There is growing recognition of the role of mobile learning (M‑learning) for
undergraduate (UG) academic education and teaching purposes, but teacher attitudes toward it
can be variable.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the attitudes toward the incorporation of M‑learning methods for UG
medical education among resident doctors at a government medical college in Delhi, India.
METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was conducted for 3‑months duration (2019) among 60 final
year junior and senior resident doctors. The participants were selected from all the preclinical and
paraclinical department, and one clinical department selected randomly based on the probability
proportion to size method. The data was collected using self‑administered instruments including the
modified 20‑item M‑learning Perception Scale (MLPS).
RESULTS: Social media (36.7%) and instant messaging platforms (85%) were routinely used by the
participants for exchanging academic (medical) and health‑related information. The mean score for all
the MLPS item responses was >3, indicating positive attitudes toward M‑Learning. The participants
expressed maximum agreement with the views stating M‑Learning can “supplement traditional
teaching,” was “reliable for personal use,” and “improves the quality of lessons.” The responses of
those participants having preexisting familiarity with health information and education portals, and
those aware of massive open online courses correlated significantly with higher MLPS scores.
CONCLUSION: M‑learning is visualized as an increasingly relevant teaching and learning medium
by early‑career resident doctors involved in UG medical education in India.


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