Document Type : Original Article
Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
INTRODUCTION: The clinical environment is an essential and irreplaceable resource in preparing
nursing students for their professional role. Despite many changes that occur in the clinical learning
environment (CLE), these environments remain important to nurse training. With regard to the
importance of students’ viewpoints in the evaluation of CLE, this study was performed to the
determination of nursing students’ viewpoint of the actual and preferred CLE at Bushehr University
of Medical Sciences in Iran 2013.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross‑sectional analytic study, due to the small size of the
research population, all nursing students (86 students) of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
in Iran who had passed at least one clinical course were selected through the census. Participants
were invited to complete anonymously the actual and preferred Farsi versions of the CLE Inventory
consisting of 42 items originally developed by Professor Chan (2001). Data were analyzed using
frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, and paired t‑test.
RESULTS: The results indicated that there were significant differences between students’ perceptions
of the actual and the preferred CLE (P < 0.001). The highest and lowest mean scores of actual CLE
belonged to student involvement and individualization, respectively, and the highest and lowest mean
scores of preferred CLE belonged to task orientation and individualization, respectively.
CONCLUSION: In general, students prefer a more positive CLE than what they actually have
experience and would prefer an environment with higher levels of clarification of personalization,
student Involvement, satisfaction, task orientation, innovation, and individualization.
perceptions of learning environment in an Indian medical school.
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