Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Effectiveness of a collaborative model in improving maternal and child health outcomes among urban poor in Chandigarh, a North Indian city
BACKGROUND: To ascertain the effectiveness of a collaborative model between the Departmentof Community Medicine and state health department to improve MCH outcomes among the urbanpoor ... Read MoreIdentifying strategies for dealing with the aging population from the perspective of health system experts: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Given the growing trend of aging and the limited resources of the healthsystem, the lack of long‑term prior government planning, and reduced growth of the productive ... Read MoreIndividual counseling in mothers bereaved by pregnancy loss: A randomized clinical trial
BACKGROUND: The loss of a pregnancy can result in grief, guilt, self‑doubt, anxiety, andpost‑traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Considering the side effects mentioned for mental ... Read MoreExploring the reproductive health needs of men in the preconception period: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Male reproductive health is a necessary pillar of childbearing. If a reproductive healthassessment is conducted in the preconception period, the chance of a healthy pregnancy ... Read MoreA review on attraction factors of science and technology parks to firms in health sector
BACKGROUND: Over the past few years, a rapidly growing number of science and technologyparks (STPs) in health sector have emerged across the world. There has been little discussion ... Read MoreChallenges and opportunities in the implementation of competency-based medical education – A cross-sectional survey among medical faculty in India
BACKGROUND: In India, competency‑based medical education (CBME) is gaining foothold totransform the medical student into a doctor fulfilling community and societal needs. With that ... Read MoreThe effect of decision‑aid‑based counseling on cervical cancer screening behavior among women: An interventional study
BACKGROUND: Performing appropriate and regular screening can effectively reduce cervical cancerand mortality rate, however, the available evidence suggests that women’s participation ... Read MoreAcademic burnout among trainee teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effect of sociodemographic factors
BACKGROUND: The trainee teacher seems to be more and more faced with frustration andstress during the training phase, caused by accumulation of requirements and duties, making themsusceptible ... Read MoreInvestigating the effectiveness of psychological interventions in response to stress, anxiety, and depression in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: A systematic review
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has caused different kinds of psychological consequences.Identifying and providing psychological plans and protocols can be effective in promoting ... Read MoreMarketing training strategies that pharmaceutical sales managers use to reduce unethical behavior
BACKGROUND: Some pharmaceutical company sales representatives are using bribes to encourageincreasing medication prescriptions. In 2012, GlaxoSmithKline paid $3 billion on a felony ... Read MoreSexual health promotion interventional program for women undergoing breast cancer treatment: Protocol for a mix‑methods study
BACKGROUND: Women undergoing breast cancer treatment, especially those of reproductive age,experience sexual health challenges. The aim of this study is to design an interventional ... Read MoreAsynchronous E‑learning after Synchronous E‑learning in the Pathology Course. When is the proper time for this transition?
BACKGROUND: Recordings of live streaming e‑lessons of pathology at medical school of Nationaland Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece are uploaded to the e‑class portfolio ... Read MorePsychometric properties of the Persian version of the “Intergenerational Relationship Quality Scale for Aging Parents and Their Children”
BACKGROUND: Investigating the status of intergenerational relationships of elderly parents withtheir adult childen is very important in examining issues related to the status of the ... Read MoreAdverse effects associated with the use of N95 mask among health‑care workers at the COVID‑19 care units: A cross‑sectional study in Sulaimani city, Iraq
BACKGROUND: Health‑care workers have to use the N95 mask as a part of the protection kit duringthe COVID‑19 pandemic. The adverse effects of such practice are not fully elucidated. ... Read MoreHealth protection challenges of slums residents during the COVID‑19 pandemic, according to the social determinants of health framework: A case study of Kerman city in Iran
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic can aggravate the healthproblems in slum areas. The present study intends to examine the challenges of health protection ... Read MoreCognitive style and working memory among adolescents with specific learning disability
BACKGROUND: In a world where education directly influences the quality of life of an individual,educational handicaps are a grave issue that plagues the lives of those affected. The ... Read MoreComplementary and alternative medicine use in infertility: A review of infertile women’s needs
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is common in infertile women in differentcountries. The purpose of the current study was to review the infertile women’s ... Read MoreEfficacy of capacity building educational interventions in the management of obstetric complications: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: Delay in the diagnosis and management of obstetric complications lead to raisedmortality rate. This can be curtailed by appropriate implementation of the educational interventionamong ... Read MoreTo study the knowledge about the handling of biomedical waste among health‑care workers in a COVID‑19 hospital setting
BACKGROUND: The unexpected increase in COVID‑19‑related waste and its inappropriate disposalhad blown up the threat of retransmission of this infection and adversely impacted the ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of bioterrorism education through two methods of lecture and booklet on the knowledge and attitude of nurses of Shams Al‑Shomus Nezaja Hospital
BACKGROUND: Today, considering the importance of bioterrorism, it may be time to assess therisk of bioterrorism as an important priority. Nurses, as the broadest group of therapy group, ... Read MoreAwareness and understanding of COVID‑19 among pregnant woman in northern India
BACKGROUND: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS‑CoV‑2) has becomea public health concern worldwide. It is important for pregnant women to know about the mode ... Read MoreAssessment of medication administration of nurses in medical cardiac wards and its relationship with some demographic characteristics: An observational study
BACKGROUND: Unsafe medication administration and medication errors pose a threat to medicationsafety. Safe medication is one of the most important nursing practices that plays an important ... Read MoreImpact of online education due to the pandemic among college students: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices analysis with structural equation modeling
Pandemic 2019 is observed in all sectors of the world which had caused a huge disruption in theeducation system in India as well as worldwide adding challenges to student’s life. ... Read MorePresenting a conceptual model for designing hospital architecture with a patient‑centered approach based on the patient’s lived experience of sense of place in the therapeutic space
BACKGROUND: In recent years, among managers and designers of health‑care spaces, therehas been a growing tendency to move toward hospital design by combining patient perceptionsand ... Read MoreEvaluation of cancer awareness, cancer education, and prevention intervention techniques among university‑level students in the United States and India
BACKGROUND: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. A considerable number ofdifferent cancer types may be preventable, using primary intervention techniques, such as ... Read MoreIdentification of change leadership dimensions and components in medical science education to move toward the third‑generation universities: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Change is a multidimensional and pervasive issue in the modern world, andorganizations are constantly changing in social, cultural, political, economic, and technological ... Read MoreQuality of life and empowerment among women
BACKGROUND: Few women in history were respected by society because of their contributionsto the field of science, arts, politics, and so on, but in general, women are deprived of their ... Read MoreEconomic evaluation of medical versus surgical strategies for first trimester therapeutic abortion: A systematic review
Pregnancy termination and abortion‑related complications are well‑established problems amongwomen at reproductive age and resulted in significant morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, ... Read MoreCOVID‑19: Distance learning to empower educators and health assistants in rural areas
BACKGROUND: Educators and health assistants can act as key players in controlling the pandemic.In general, they are respected by the community, especially in rural areas, and can help ... Read MoreEvaluating the usability of a national health information system with heuristic method
BACKGROUND: Hospital Statistics and Information System is one of the most important healthinformation systems in Iran used in all hospitals in this country. Usability problems can reduce ... Read More‘Perceptions’ and ‘practices’ to antibiotic usage among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary care center: A mixed‑methods study
BACKGROUND: Contribution to antibiotic resistance can happen at two interfaces – doctorprescribing antibiotics inadvertently or patient’s usage of antibiotics inadvertently. ... Read MoreExploring the influence of scheduled meetings on physiological indicators of hospitalized patients satisfaction facing acute myocardial infarction in the intensive care unit
BACKGROUND: Satisfaction of patients is among the top priorities of health‑care providers. Meetingwith families is essential for patients who are admitted to various wards, although ... Read MoreThe correlates of physical activity during COVID‑19 pandemic among Indonesian young adults: A longitudinal study
BACKGROUND: Social distancing policy during the COVID‑19 pandemic may affect physical activitylevels. This study aimed to compare physical activity levels before and during the pandemic ... Read MoreIs ignorance of the weekly iron and folic acid scheme among adolescents the deciding factor for its suboptimal utilization and ineffectiveness? A cross‑sectional study
INTRODUCTION: Targeting the huge burden of adolescent anemia, the Weekly Iron and Folic acidSupplementation (WIFS) was launched by the Government of India. Few studies have been doneto ... Read MoreThree‑way summaries as a teaching–learning tool: Student perspective and impact on retention of learning
BACKGROUND: “Three‑way summaries” (TWS) are a teaching–learning tool in which studentsrespond to a question or topic inquiry by three different summaries (10–15 ... Read MoreHow India has managed the COVID‑19 first and second waves?
Read MorePredictors of the intention to receive the COVID 19 vaccine by Iranians 18– 70 year old: Application of health belief model
BACKGROUND: In terms of public health, vaccination is considered as the most effective approachagainst the infectious diseases. Accepting and receiving the first vaccine produced as ... Read MorePerception of educational environment as a predictor of academic performance in physiotherapy students
BACKGROUND: Students’ perception of their academic environment has a substantial influenceon their actions, academic accomplishments, satisfaction, goal attainment, and behavior. ... Read MoreA qualitative content analysis for determining indexes and factors affecting for evaluation of disaster exercises immediate feedback stage
BACKGROUND: Taking exercise in health sector is one of the important steps to implement thedisaster risk management programs, especially preparedness phase. The present study aimed ... Read MoreRandomized controlled trial to study the efficacy and safety of ultrasound‑guided pectoral nerve block for superficial breast surgeries
BACKGROUND: Our study aimed to compare pectoral nerve (PEC) block with local anesthetic (LA)infiltration for providing analgesia in superficial breast surgeries.MATERIALS AND METHODS: ... Read MoreSystematic review of women's knowledge, attitude, and practice towards breast cancer
The present study aims to systematically review the women’s knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP)of breast cancer (BC) screening methods to get enough information for policymakers ... Read MorePost‑COVID‑19 menstrual abnormalities and infertility: Repercussions of the pandemic
While battling the life‑threatening complications of COVID‑19, its effect on the menstrualcycle and infertility has been somewhat ignored. This brief review aims on highlighting ... Read MoreWhat do parents of children with autism spectrum disorder think about their quality of life? A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Living with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can affect differentaspects of parents’ physical and mental health and quality of life. This study aimed to ... Read MoreSocial and behavioral determinants of early childhood caries: A cross‑sectional study within region of Ambala, Haryana
BACKGROUND: Early childhood caries is like an epidemic, especially in the developing world,hence exploring its appropriate factors in causing the disease the need of the hour. Hence, ... Read MoreDisaster risk management challenges in military hospitals: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Disaster can pose significant challenges to the health infrastructure in thecommunity. Hospitals are the central unit for providing health services in the disaster responseplan. ... Read MoreNew normal of academic virtual conference: Imperative during pandemic
In COVID pandemic, attending the continuing medical education, workshops, and conferences withphysical attendance is not possible. We designed, developed, and hosted the first of its ... Read MoreHigh school basic life support training: Is the trainer’s experience of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the actual setting important? A randomized control trial
BACKGROUND: Although basic life support (BLS) has been taught in school by a varietyof professionals, it is still unclear that, whether the instructor’s previous cardiopulmonaryresuscitation ... Read MoreExploring the role of dramatics in medical education through online listserv mediated mentoring and learning web sessions
BACKGROUND: Online learning environments are becoming more frequent in teaching and learningthan ever before. Asynchronous learning provides “high degree of interactivity” ... Read MoreComparing the effects of demonstration, video display, and virtual social networks on nursing students’ learning of hemodialysis clinical skills: An interventional and comparative study
BACKGROUND: Applying new methods of clinical education seems to provide nursing studentswith educational opportunities. The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of trainingthrough ... Read MoreLearning gain in web (internet) sourced seminars versus textbook sourced seminars in postgraduate medical students
BACKGROUND: In the past, textbook or printed material was the only source of information formedical students or post-graduate students. After the introduction of internet, knowledge ... Read MoreExploration challenges of the implementers of Iran’s transformational innovation plan in medical education
BACKGROUND: The Health System Reform Plan, especially in medical education, has undoubtedlycaused changes in the university. The continuation of this project requires recognizing the ... Read MoreOnline viva voce as a formative assessment method in forensic medicine during COVID‑19 pandemic
BACKGROUND: Conducting online classes and assessment during the COVID‑19 pandemic isnot without challenges. The world of medical education is adapting online training and assessmentbecause ... Read MoreThe quality of sleep and daytime sleepiness and their association with quality of school life and school achievement among students
BACKGROUND: Sleep quality is an important factor in adolescents’ health; physical as well aspsychological. The aim of this study was to determine sleep quality and daytime sleepiness ... Read MoreNurses in NICUs’ views on nosocomial infection prevention
BACKGROUND: Basic infection control measures are required in India’s health‑care setting inNeonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) to lower the prevalence of hospital‑associated ... Read MoreMetamotivation in medical students: Explaining motivation regulation strategies in medical students
BACKGROUND: Metamotivation is a process that students use to monitor their motivational statesto reach their academic goals. To date, few studies have addressed the ways that medical ... Read MoreImpact of internet addiction during COVID‑19 on anxiety and sleep quality among college students of Bhubaneswar city
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 initiated in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and over a period oftime, the infection outspread across the world in a rapid pace. To protect the people and to furtherlimit ... Read MoreMore than a year into the pandemic: Do higher education students still practice protective behaviors against COVID‑19?
BACKGROUND: The exponential increase of cases and the emergence of the new COVID‑19variants continue to be a challenge. It remains crucial to assess whether or not minimum healthstandards ... Read MorePsychometric analysis of Persian version of patient safety competency self‑evaluation in psychiatric wards
BACKGROUND: Assessment of the patient safety competency is necessary for the growth of nursingand safe care profession as well as evaluation of the nurses’ educational needs. ... Read MoreUsing logistic regression to develop a diagnostic model for COVID‑19: A single‑center study
BACKGROUND: The main manifestations of coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) are similarto the many other respiratory diseases. In addition, the existence of numerous uncertainties ... Read MorePsychological well‑being and coping strategies among secondary school teachers: A cross‑sectional study
INTRODUCTION: Educators, academicians, and teachers are responsible for the development ofthe nation’s human capital. Teacher coping methods are becoming more widely recognized ... Read MoreInvestigating the professional identity and resilience in nursing students during the COVID‑19 pandemic
BACKGROUND: Professional identity includes the values and beliefs of a nurse that guide herthinking, action, and interaction with patients. The stressful conditions of the COVID‑19 ... Read MoreThe relationship between empathy and personality traits in Saudi medical students
BACKGROUND: Empathy is regarded as a fundamental personal attribute for in-training and inpractice doctors. Several factors may play a significant role to facilitate or prevent the ... Read MoreDesigning the competency‑based training model of Iranian medical tourism
BACKGROUND: Despite the great comparative advantage of Iran in terms of infrastructure,technology, and human resources as well as the significance of medical tourism in the tourist ... Read MoreFactors associated and knowledge on road traffic accidents, rules among private university students in Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu, India – A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are an emerging public health issue of global concerncausing 1.35 million deaths per year. They are the leading cause of death among 5–29 ... Read MoreDesigning the minimum data set of bipolar disorder: A basis for introducing the effective factors in managing, controlling, and monitoring the bipolar disorder
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Bipolar disorder (BD) is one of the most challenging psychiatric disordersin the management area that can lead to functional, occupational, and cognitive disorders. ... Read MoreAssessment of knowledge and awareness regarding intellectual property rights among the health‑care professionals in Belagavi city: A cross‑sectional study