Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Life Style Institute, Faculty of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has caused different kinds of psychological consequences.
Identifying and providing psychological plans and protocols can be effective in promoting patients’
mental health. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of psychological interventions in
response to stress, anxiety, and depression in COVID‑19 patients. The present study was performed
based on a systematic review. The studies were done by using different combinations of keywords
in databases such as Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, and Google scholar search engines and
in Persian databases such as Magiran, SID, Iranmedex from July 25 to September 7, 2020. Out
of 4533 articles that were found after extensive search, 9 articles were evaluated and qualitatively
analyzed for data extraction with the 2010 consort checklist. The final articles were from different
countries of China, the USA, France, Italy, and Iran and were about COVID‑19 patients and their
health‑care providers. Interventions ranged from relaxation, music therapy to mental health and
extensive psychological skills including adaptation methods, mindfulness and self‑care, and crisis
management. Anxiety was the highest and then stress and depression were the next indicators. The
results showed a positive effect of these interventions on stress, anxiety, depression, and even the
quality of life, sleep and family and child function. The number of studies in this field is increasing. We
see a variety of psychological and educational interventions every day. It is hoped that by designing
standard protocols for psychological intervention, effective steps can be taken to improve the mental
health of patients and health‑care providers.
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