Document Type : Original Article
- . Ali Norouzi
- . Maryam Alizadeh 1
- . Dean Parmelee 2
- . Saharnaz Nedjat 3
- . Saiideh Norouzi 4
- . Mohammad Shariati 5
1 Medical Education Department, Education Development Center (EDC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Medical Education, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA
3 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Knowledge Utilization Research Center, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 Department of Nursing, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
5 Department of Community Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
BACKGROUND: Metamotivation is a process that students use to monitor their motivational states
to reach their academic goals. To date, few studies have addressed the ways that medical students
manage their motivational states. This study aim to identify the motivational strategies of medical
students as they use the metamotivational process to monitor and control their motivational states.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study uses directed content analysis of the narrative
responses of 18 medical students to draft an in‑depth and semistructured interview protocol which were
conducted through WhatsApp due to social distance restrictions of COVID‑19. Data were collected,
encoded, and analyzed using deductive content analysis approach descripted by Elo and Kyngäs.
RESULTS: Seven main themes were extracted as the motivational strategies of medical students
including “regulation of value,” “regulation of situational interest,” “self‑consequating,” “environmental
structuring,” “efficacy management,” “regulation of relatedness,” and “regulation of situational
awareness.” In this study by identifying new strategies, we provide a broader framework of
metamotivational strategies in the field of the progression of learners in medical education.
CONCLUSION: Medical students use a variety of strategies to regulate their academic motivation. To
sustain and improve the motivation of medical students, identifying and strengthening metamotivational
strategies is the first step.
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