Document Type : Original Article
- . Chaya Chhabra
- . H. P. Suma Sogi 1
- . Kumar Gaurav Chhabra 2
- . Swati Rana 1
- . Sarudhir Gupta 1
- . Priyanka Sharma 1
1 Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, MM College of Dental Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India
2 Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital, DMIMS (Deemed to be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India
BACKGROUND: Early childhood caries is like an epidemic, especially in the developing world,
hence exploring its appropriate factors in causing the disease the need of the hour. Hence, the aim
of the present study was to evaluate social and behavioral determinants of early childhood caries
within the region of Ambala, Haryana.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present survey elaborated oral examination among 398 study
participants within the age group of 4–5 years. Carious tooth was recorded using Gruebbel’s deft DEFT
index using clean mouth mirror and probe. A questionnaire comprising 21 questions in English as
well as Hindi was prepared. There was an interviewer who took the interview of parents or caregivers.
The questionnaire consisted of questions which were aimed at gaining information regarding infants
feeding practice, social factors, and dental health behavior. The results of the study were tabulated,
and inferential statistics were applied using ANOVA test along with regression (multiple logistic)
RESULTS: The occurrence of caries was affected by the behavioral factors such as breastfeeding
habits, bottle feeding habits, age of beginning of solid foods in children. There was no influence of
age of beginning of taking fluid from cup. Besides social factors like annual family income, education
of mothers, age of mother at the time of birth of children, age of children, order of children in the
family had a significant effect over the occurrence and severity and extent of caries. Factors such
as gender of children and profession of mother did not have had a significant role in early childhood
caries. Dental health habits such as tooth brushing frequency, brushing under supervision, frequency
of toothbrushing, quantity of toothpaste used had a significant effect over the frequency, and acerbity
of caries in early infanthood.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded from this study that there is a significant correlation between
several social and behavioral determinants and early childhood caries.
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