Document Type : Original Article
Laboratory of Education, Environment and Health (EES) at CRMEF Rabat / Sale /Kenitra, Morocco
BACKGROUND: The trainee teacher seems to be more and more faced with frustration and
stress during the training phase, caused by accumulation of requirements and duties, making them
susceptible to the risk of burnout. The purpose of this work is to study the academic burnout of trainee
teachers at the Rabat‑Sale‑Kenitra region’s Regional Center for Education and Training Professions
during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seven hundred thirty‑nine trainee teachers responded to a
self‑questionnaire comprising the Maslach Burnout Inventory–Student Survey scale in its French
validated version, as well as stress factors during the academic year 2020–2021. Both inferential
and descriptive methods of data analysis were used to represent the effect of sociodemographic
variables on burnout levels during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
RESULTS: In agreement with the literature, most of trainee teachers show moderate and high levels
of academic exhaustion; the main stressors presented are financial instability and training overload,
and the level of study influences the scale of burnout among trainee teachers.
CONCLUSION: The result of this study can serve as a predictor of academic burnout among
Moroccan trainee teachers.
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