Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Occupational Environment Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
2 Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, School of Health, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
3 Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, School of Health, Occupational Environment Research Centre, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
BACKGROUND: In terms of public health, vaccination is considered as the most effective approach
against the infectious diseases. Accepting and receiving the first vaccine produced as an innovation
may not be easy. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the predictors of intention
to receive COVID‑19 vaccine by Iranians aged 18–70 years based on the health belief model in 2021.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive study was performed on 2365 people aged
18–70‑year old in Iran by random cluster sampling. Receipt of data was done electronically
questionnaire through the Porcelain system. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20
using Chi‑square, one‑way analysis of variance, independent t‑test, and multiple regression analysis
at a significance level of 0.05.
RESULTS: The mean score of receiving the Iranian corona vaccine was 3.06 ± 1.30 out of 5 points.
About 16.7% reported that they will definitely choose the Iranian vaccine. The highest correlation
was between the intention to receive the vaccine with self‑efficacy (r = 0.239, P < 0.001) and barriers
to receiving the vaccine (r = −0.237, P < 0.001). Self‑efficacy (β = 0.114, P < 0.001), perceived
barriers (β = −0.126, P < 0.001), and benefits of vaccine (β = 0.061, P = 0.022) were most important
predictors the intention to receive the vaccine.
CONCLUSION: Approximately 38% reported that they would definitely and probably not choose the
Iranian corona vaccine. Therefore, it is suggested that more information should be provided about
the features and benefits of domestically produced vaccines compared to foreign products.
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