Document Type : Original Article
- . Evangelia Manou
- . Evgenia Charikleia Lazari
- . Geοrgia Eleni Thomopoulou
- . Georgios Agrogiannis
- . Nikolaos G. Kavantzas
- . Andreas C. Lazaris
BACKGROUND: Recordings of live streaming e‑lessons of pathology at medical school of National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece are uploaded to the e‑class portfolio of each student
enrolled in the course. We measured the number of views each video received and noticed that this
number exceeded the number of enrolled students. Our main aim was to investigate the correlation
between the upload of an educational video and the views it got so as to determine when the proper
time is for professors to e‑share or upload an educational video for the students.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We measured the number of views of the recorded e‑lessons when
all videos were uploaded, with a frequency of 15 days. We used analysis of variances statistical
analysis to find the significance of the amount of time each video had been uploaded on the virtual
platform of the course. We also applied t‑tests to assess the significance of alteration of the number
of views related to the amount of time until the examinations.
RESULTS: Time was a statistically significant factor in the impact of an educational video. The
two‑factor analysis without interaction measured P ≃ 0.001, proving the strong correlation between
time and the increase of views. As the examination date was approaching, there was a statistically
significant increase in the number of views of the videotaped e‑lessons. Almost 50% of the views of
each of the videos took place in the two‑week examination period of the course.
CONCLUSIONS: The educational videos that contained the core learning concepts of the pathology
course should be uploaded first. The complex learning points of the pathology course must be
available at the beginning of the semester. Additionally, recordings of videos covering the complex
learning points of the course should be uploaded as an additional tool of asynchronous e‑learning
for the students who choose to watch their former e‑lessons to prepare for the examinations.
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