Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Benefits of simulation‑based education in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: The emergency department is one of the most important parts of all hospitals. Forthis reason, many simulation programs are performed in this department to increase the knowledge,skills, ... Read MoreThe effect of educational program (based on BASNEF model) on quality of life and adherence to treatment in patients with myocardial infarction in Shahrekord, Iran
BACKGROUND: Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the most common cardiovascular diseasesaffecting quality of life and adherence to treatment. This study aimed at assessing the impacts ... Read MoreBurnout level in Iranian teachers and its related factors: A health promotion approach
BACKGROUND: Promoting the well‑being of students and teachers should be the goal of schoolmental health programs. A large body of evidence has highlighted that there is an emerging ... Read MoreThe psychosocial challenges of mothers of children with thalassemia: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Caring for the children suffering from thalassemia is a stressful experience withvarious aspects making the mothers face various challenges. Thus, the present study aimed ... Read MoreThe relationship between sexual function and emotional intelligence and its components based on fertility status in women referring to health centers in Yazd
BACKGROUND: Sexual function is affected by many psychological factors and emotions. Theimpact of emotion management varies in different fertility situationsThis can affect women’s ... Read MoreExploring the experiences of nurses and physicians infected with COVID‑19
BACKGROUND: Health‑care providers, including physicians and nurses, are vital resources of thehealth‑care system, and their health is essential to ensure safe care and to control ... Read MoreHealth‑care workers’ experience of stressors and adaptation strategies for COVID‑19: A qualitative research
BACKGROUND: The mental health of health‑care workers with their unique role in respondingto the COVID‑19 pandemic is strictly essential. Hence, to react effectively to the pandemic, ... Read MoreKnowledge and performance of the Iranian general population in the use of masks during the 2019 coronavirus
BACKGROUND: The use of personal protective equipment (especially face masks) has increased indifferent communities amid the COVID‑19 pandemic. Therefore, the present study aimed to ... Read MoreDifferences and their contexts between teaching and nonteaching hospitals in Iran with other countries: A concurrent mixed‑methods study
BACKGROUND: In terms of missions, hospitals are divided into teaching and nonteaching. In addition,differences in health‑care systems in countries will lead to differences in hospitals’ ... Read MoreDevelopment of sexual health promotion package in pregnancy: The Delphi method
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommendation requires the development and useof effective, brief, clear, and evidence‑based education packages to improve health‑care ... Read MoreThe relationship between maternal perception of social support and breastfeeding patterns
BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding is beneficial for the health of infants and mothers. It is a complexsocial behavior that may be influenced by social support. The study aimed to determine ... Read MoreTrend of tendency to critical thinking among medical students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2010–2015: A longitudinal study
BACKGROUND: Critical thinking is one of the goals of education. It is a criterion for academicaccreditation in medical education by concentration on students’ soft skills. Due ... Read MoreEffects of intrathecal and intravenous dexamethasone on complications associated with intrathecal morphine after cesarean section: A comparative study
BACKGROUND: Pain and nausea and vomiting are of serious complications following the use ofopiates after surgery, especially cesarean section. Control of postoperative complications ... Read MoreA comparative study into the effects of topical hot salt and hot sand on patients’ perception of low back pain
BACGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) has been regarded as one of the musculoskeletal problemswhich is affecting more than three‑quarters of individuals in their lifetime. Nowadays, variouspharmacological ... Read MorePulmonary function test: A critical domain in oral submucous fibrosis patients
INTRODUCTION: The study aims to measure and compare pulmonary function tests (PFTs) in oralsubmucous fibrosis (OSMF) patients (smokers/nonsmokers) and normal individuals.MATERIALS AND ... Read MoreAssociation between family behaviors and self‑care activities among type‑II diabetes mellitus patients at a teaching hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal
BACKGROUND: Self‑care activities are associated with prognosis of type‑II diabetes mellituspatients and include medication adherence, dietary adherence, physical activity, self‑monitoring ... Read MoreThe influence of speed and strength training at school on the indicators of attention switching in children aged 13–14 years with different typologies
BACKGROUND: The background is to determine the influence of speed and strength training ofschoolchildren aged 13–14 on the indicators of the ability of children with different ... Read MoreInventory development to assess perceptions and metacognition of dental students toward learning in colleges in Pune, India
BACKGROUND: Dental education is considered a challenging and taxing program as on successfulcompletion one is required to attain unique and diverse competencies. There is an establishedperception ... Read MoreLifestyle factors influencing medical and nursing student’s health status at the rural health‑care institute
BACKGROUND: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) may be influenced by lifestyle behavior,acquired during transition in student life at university. Health is a major concern globally. Thedeveloping ... Read MoreThe COVID‑19 pandemic impact on clinical load of plastic and reconstructive surgery in a tertiary care hospital of north India: A retrospective comparative analysis
BACKGROUND: The objective of the study was to analyze and determine statistically significantimpact of the COVID‑19 on clinical load of plastic and reconstructive surgery practices.MATERIALS ... Read MoreThe knowledge assessment and reducing the errors of medical certificate of cause of death with sensitization training of physicians: A quality improvement intervention study
BACKGROUND: A Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) is a vital document issued by adoctor and has a prescribed format published by the World Health Organization. It is an essentialtool ... Read MoreA proposal to activate the role of early intervention programs for the rehabilitation of mothers of children with Down syndrome, in light of the Saudi vision 2030
BACKGROUND: Early intervention programs are supremacy in health, psychological, social,and sports care policies in many developed countries, considering the necessity to identify thecircumstances ... Read MorePsychosocial perception of health‑care workers in a COVID‑19‑designated hospital in eastern India
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 pandemic has changed the life of people in many facets, economic,social, and psychological. Frontline health‑care workers (HCWs) fighting against this pandemic ... Read MoreRelationship between psychological factors and perceived stigma of addiction among women with substance use disorders, Thailand
BACKGROUND: Substance use disorders (SUDs) are one of the most stigmatized health conditionsthat impact drug user’s treatment engagement. However, to date, little is known about ... Read MoreThe effect of educational intervention based on the theory of planned behavior aimed at mothers on osteoporosis prevention behaviors in lower secondary school female students
BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is mainly characterized by a low bone mineral density and a sharparchitectural and biomechanical deterioration in bone tissue required to maintain bone homeostasis.The ... Read MoreThe effect of educational intervention based on self‑efficacy theory on pregnancy anxiety and childbirth outcomes among Iranian primiparous women
BACKGROUND: Pregnancy anxiety is associated with a diverse birth outcomes. Mothers’ educationcould have a critical role in increasing their self‑efficacy to defeat their anxiety ... Read MoreEffective factors on nutrition behaviors of pregnant women based on the beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and enabling factors model: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: One of the useful models in health education is the Beliefs, Attitudes, SubjectiveNorms, and Enabling Factors (BASNEF) model. The model is used to study behavior and to ... Read MoreThe association between sexual health literacy and sexual function of women in Iran
BACKGROUND: Considering the importance of sexual health literacy in promoting individual sexualhealth and ultimately improving family and social health as well as the effect of health ... Read MoreComparison of reproductive health and its related factors in vulnerable and nonvulnerable women
BACKGROUND: Women’s health is supposed to be one of the indicators of development.Reproductive health is an important part of women’s health. Vulnerable women are a group ... Read MoreThe level of satisfaction and quality of E‑learning in medical universities of Iran during the epidemic of COVID‑19
BACKGROUND: E‑learning is web‑based learning for education and training. The current globalpandemic crisis created due to COVID‑19 has made worldwide online learning. This study ... Read MoreEffect of progressive muscle relaxation technique on self‑esteem and self‑efficacy in multiple sclerosis patients: A clinical trial study
BACKGROUND: Low self‑esteem and inefficiency are major problems in multiple sclerosis (MS)patients. A progressive muscle relaxation technique is one of the complementary therapies. ... Read MoreKnowledge and attitude toward professional ethics: A study among Iranian medical and nursing students’
BACKGROUND: Professional ethics is a set of principles and standards of human behavior thataffect individual behavior and leads to improve care that provided by medical staff. The presentstudy ... Read MoreTesting adaptation and psychometric properties of survey instrument for students’ perspectives on e‑professionalism and social media in Iranian students: Corona crisis and medical education
BACKGROUND: The use of social networks in the field of education has also accelerated andhas become a powerful source of learning for transformation and empowerment in various fields.This ... Read MorePerspectives on healthy aging in middle age: Evidence for health promotion interventions
CONTEXT: Understanding how middle‑aged people perceive healthy aging and what they need to doto stay healthy as they age can help public policy planning to enhance the lifestyles ... Read MoreThe effects of simulation training on learning of health information systems: A scoping review
One of the most commonly used methods for training is simulation. It is important to examine theeffects of simulation training of health information systems on the knowledge, attitude, ... Read MoreInvestigation of the psychometric properties of children’s somatization inventory in Iranian adolescents
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of children’ssomatization inventory (CSI‑24) in a sample of Iranian school adolescents.MATERIALS AND ... Read MoreDeveloping an artificial neural network for detecting COVID‑19 disease
BACKGROUND: From December 2019, atypical pneumonia termed COVID‑19 has been increasingexponentially across the world. It poses a great threat and challenge to world health and the ... Read MoreThe effect of “Elder Care by Elderly People Program” on life satisfaction and quality of life among institutionalized senior citizens
INTRODUCTION: Improving participation in life meaningful roles is one of the most importantpredictors of quality of life (QOL) and life satisfaction (LS) in later life. The purpose ... Read MoreEmotional difficulties in pregnant females who tested positive for COVID‑19: A cross‑sectional study from South Kashmir, India
BACKGROUND: It is evident that the novel coronavirus disease pandemic inevitably resulted inincreased stress and anxiety in the general population. Pregnancy is a challenging period, ... Read MoreA cross sectional study to assess the expressed COVID‑19 preventive practices among the health care workers and public visiting tertiary care hospital, AIIMS, Jodhpur