Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Psychiatry, ESI PGI MSR, ESIC Medical College and ESIC Hospital and ODC (EZ), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
2 Department of Microbiology, ESI PGI MSR, ESIC Medical College and ESIC Hospital and ODC (EZ), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 pandemic has changed the life of people in many facets, economic,
social, and psychological. Frontline health‑care workers (HCWs) fighting against this pandemic faced
some psychological as well as social issues which are of major concern. The objective of the study is
to evaluate the magnitude of mental health problems, namely depression, anxiety, and stress among
frontline HCWs as well as their perception on ongoing events and surroundings.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a prospective, observational study on n = 85 HCWs over
a 4‑month period. Study participants were sampled purposively in accordance with inclusion and
exclusion criteria; data were collected by online survey method. A semi‑structured scale was used:
Part A of which assessed the demography and perception of HCWs on surrounding along with ongoing
social events and Part B consisted of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale‑21 that was used
to assess mental health issues. All the associations were tested in percentages and proportions.
Statistics was calculated by using SPSS 24th version.
RESULTS: Majority of the participants were female doctors and belonged to 21–30 years’ age
group. Most of them were marginally worried of contacting infection (73%) but were substantially
apprehensive of transmitting infection to their family (56.5%) and hoped positive outcome ultimately
in the form of recovery from infection. Majority (96.4%) gathered information from authentic sources
and were confident of adequacy of their knowledge. Majority (88.3%) were satisfied about their
occupational safety and responded on scientific solution of pandemic. However, we got a mixed
result about their professional appreciation. Depression symptom score was higher than anxiety and
stress symptom score in our participants.
CONCLUSIONS: Doctors and nurses both were suffering from mental health issues, and provision
of adequate information and occupational safety may lessen these burdens.
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