Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: The corona virus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) infection is a current public health
crisis, and it is challenging to the world health‑care system. As there is no treatment, prevention
is the crucial importance to break the chain of transmission of infection and prevent fatality among
the high‑risk populations. The aim of the study was to assess the Expressed COVID‑19 preventive
practices among health‑care workers (HCWs) and the public visiting tertiary care hospital, AIIMS,
METHODOLOGY: A cross‑sectional study was conducted among 406 HCWs and 238 public, recruited
by convenient sampling technique. A validated and pretested self‑structured practice questionnaire
used to collect the data regarding COVID‑19 preventive practice. The data were collected through
online Google Forms and interview techniques and analyzed by software SPSS 26 version.
RESULTS: Majority of 87.7% HCWs and 76.5% public always followed practice of hand wash with
soap and water and sanitize for 20 s. Majority of 79.6% HCWs and 49.2% public maintain social
distance in public place. Gender (χ2 = 18.806 P ≤ 0.001) and education (χ2 = 43.270 P ≤ 0.001)
among HCWs and in public demographic variable income (χ2 = 21.102 P = 0.002), religion (χ2 = 13.302
P = 0.006) and source of information (χ2 = 17.030 P = 0.026) was significantly associated with level
of COVID‑19 preventive practice.
CONCLUSION: The study showed moderate level of COVID‑19 preventive practice among HCWs
and public. Based on this result, an effective IEC intervention programs can be designed to educate
public and HCWs and follow a safe COVID‑19 preventive practice.
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