Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD Candidate of Health Education and Health Promotion, School of Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Iranian Research Center on Aging, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
CONTEXT: Understanding how middle‑aged people perceive healthy aging and what they need to do
to stay healthy as they age can help public policy planning to enhance the lifestyles of middle‑aged
and elderly people.
AIMS: The purpose of this study was to clarify the concept of healthy aging and strategies to achieve
it from the perspective of middle‑aged people in Tehran, Iran.
SETTING AND DESIGN: This qualitative study was performed on 21 middle‑aged people aged
45–59 years of Tehran in 2019.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The data collection was carried out through semi‑structured and
in‑depth interviews; the interviews were audiotaped, transcribed. Sampling was carried out gradually
until data saturation through purposive sampling was achieved.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Data collection and analysis were performed simultaneously.
Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis. To establish the reliability and validity of
findings, Graneheim and Landman criteria were considered.
RESULTS: The middle‑aged perspective on healthy aging was included in four main themes:
having good physical and mental health, having financial well‑being, having social support.
Strategies for achieving healthy aging were included in five themes: future financial planning,
promoting physical health, promoting psychological health, maintaining and improving
CONCLUSION: From the middle‑aged perspective, healthy aging and strategies to achieve it are
multidimensional. Planning for promotional interventions to have a healthy old age should be including
all dimensions and done from the years before old age.
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