Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: Dental education is considered a challenging and taxing program as on successful
completion one is required to attain unique and diverse competencies. There is an established
perception that students do not enjoy their experiences in the dental institution and they always
demand for certain amendments. Therefore, a dental education perceptions and metacognition
assessment tool (DEPMAT) was developed for Indian undergraduate and postgraduate dental
students for assessing their learning in Deemed University versus Maharashtra University of Health
Sciences in Pune, Maharashtra.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross‑sectional study was conducted among students of four
dental colleges of two types of universities in Pune, India, using a 31‑item DEPMAT based on
Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure and metacognition awareness inventory using five
subscales. Psychometric properties were also tested for this new tool. Data were analyzed using
the SPSS software.
RESULTS: Of 512 participants, 498 (96.88%) students had duly returned the questionnaire.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value for reliability was found to be 0.87 which indicated good internal
consistency and test‑retest reliability was found to be kw = 0.76, which indicated substantial agreement.
Significant difference was found among undergraduates in domains regarding their perception toward
academics, infrastructure and learning environment, and health and stress.
CONCLUSION: This study suggested that the general perception toward learning among final year
postgraduate students was positive in both the universities. However, the perception of final year
undergraduates toward learning was negative and students have suggested certain amendments in
both the universities. This study also suggested the new tool was effective in assessing the attitude
of practice of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
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