Document Type : Original Article


1 Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Bam University of Medical Sciences, Bam, Iran


BACKGROUND: Professional ethics is a set of principles and standards of human behavior that
affect individual behavior and leads to improve care that provided by medical staff. The present
study examined the knowledge and attitude of medical and nursing students toward professional
ethics in Iran.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive‑analytic study was carried out on 176 medical and
nursing students in Bam University of Medical Science, Iran in 2019. In this study, students were
selected by census sampling. Data collected using two researcher‑made questionnaires related to
knowledge and attitude toward professional ethics. Data were analyzed in SPSS software.
RESULTS: The mean scores of knowledge among nursing and medical students were 86.56 (8.76)
and 85.10 (12.19), respectively. The mean score of attitude among nursing and medical students
was 127.06 (12.45) and 129.9 (11.88), respectively. Results of the Pearson correlation test showed a
positive and significant associated between the score of knowledge and attitude nursing and medical
students’ (P < 0.001), (r = 0.76) (r = 0.66). Among the demographics characteristics, student age
was associated to their attitude and knowledge significantly (P = 0.03).
CONCLUSION: Iranian nursing and medical students have a positive attitude and a high level of
knowledge about professional ethics. A high level of knowledge was related to the most positive


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