Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Psychiatry, GMC, Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences‑Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
2 Department of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychologist, Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences‑Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
BACKGROUND: It is evident that the novel coronavirus disease pandemic inevitably resulted in
increased stress and anxiety in the general population. Pregnancy is a challenging period, and
COVID‑19 has added risk to women pregnant during the pandemic.
AIM: The present study was aimed to assess the emotional difficulties in pregnant females who
tested positive for COVID‑19. The current study estimated the prevalence of depression, anxiety,
and stress among 63 pregnant ladies who tested positive for COVID‑19.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in Child and Maternity Hospital of GMC
Anantnag, Kashmir, India, from April to December 2020. A total of 63 pregnant females who tested
positive for COVID‑19 participated in the study. The COVID‑positive pregnant ladies were interviewed
in the outpatient department of the child and maternity clinic 2 weeks after the infection. The interview
scale used was Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale‑21. The data were analyzed using Chi‑square
test and Fisher’s exact test.
RESULTS: We found that the mean age of participants was 33.5 ± 7.4. We found that 38.1% of the
females had positive bad obstetric history. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was
33.32%, 50.83%, and 60.3%, respectively. In correlation analysis, notably bad obstetric history and
working females were significant independent factors for higher levels of depression, anxiety, and
stress. The depression was also found more in literate females and the third trimester.
CONCLUSION: The study indicates high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in pregnant females
who tested positive for COVID‑19. The emotional difficulties were found to be higher in educated and
working females. The bad obstetric history was found to be an independent factor for higher levels of
emotional difficulties in COVID‑positive pregnant females. This calls for extra measures to promote
the mental health and resilience of pregnant females, especially during a crisis.
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