Document Type : Original Article
- . Niusha Shahidi Sadeghi
- . Mohammadreza Maleki
- . Hassan Abolghasem Gorji
- . Soudabeh Vatankhah
- . Bahram Mohaghegh
Department of Public Health, School of Health, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
BACKGROUND: In terms of missions, hospitals are divided into teaching and nonteaching. In addition,
differences in health‑care systems in countries will lead to differences in hospitals’ operation. Iran, as
a specific health‑care system, is different from other countries. Hence, the present study investigated
differences between teaching and nonteaching hospitals and their differences in Iran and the world.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A concurrent mixed‑methods study was conducted in two stages.
The first stage was a narrative review of studies (2000–2020). Using narrative inquiry and reflective
analysis, the content was analyzed and the categories were extracted. The second stage was a
qualitative study conducted using semi‑structured interviews with forty Iranian hospital managers and
policymakers through a purposive sampling in 2020. Content analysis was made using deductive
approach, and MAXQDA 12 was used for data analysis.
RESULTS: According to the first stage, categories were extracted as follows: service quality, type
of cases, patient satisfaction, efficiency, performance indicators, patient safety, personnel, use of
drugs, access to services, technologies, justice in the type of services received, using guidelines,
processes, and number of services. In the second stage, 8 main categories, 17 categories, and 45
subcategories were extracted. The extracted main categories were as follows: mission and target,
management and behavioral organizations, supply chain and chain of results, human resources,
costs and budget, policy demands, clients’ satisfaction and patients’ right, and integration of medical
CONCLUSION: Unlike other countries, in Iran, the combination of missions and the complete
dependence of teaching hospitals on the government has caused differences. Reducing the treatment
mission of teaching hospitals; differences in the budget and development of its indicators; lower tariffs
for teaching hospitals; developing a cost–income management model and supply chain; preventing
uncertainty other than medical students except medicine; considering the clients’ right to choose
hospital; and organizing research missions in hospitals were the solutions for decrease differences.
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