Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pathology, Chamarajanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, India

2 Department of Community Medicine, Karwar Institute of Medical Sciences, Karwar, Karnataka, India

3 3 Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India


BACKGROUND: Conducting online classes and assessment during the COVID‑19 pandemic is
not without challenges. The world of medical education is adapting online training and assessment
because of COVID‑19 pandemic restrictions. The present study was conducted to assess the
students’ perception regarding the process, difficulties encountered and perceived effectiveness of
online assessment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Online viva‑voce (theory and visual based) was conducted in
a government medical college in Karwar, Karnataka, India using videoconferencing application
(Google Meet) to 149 second MBBS students as a formative assessment in 2020 over 3 months.
Ten students per day joined Google Meet, 10 questions were asked to each student and assessed
using a tutor marking system (on‑spot). A feedback questionnaire (Google Form) was administered
to students who attended online Viva‑Voce. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential
statistics (Student’s t‑test).
RESULTS: Out of 149 students, 132 participated and responded to a feedback questionnaire.
Majority of the participants (91%) agreed that questions covered all topics kept for viva, 82% of
them felt it would be helpful for performance in final examinations. Thirty percent of students faced
network issues at their places, 45% felt nervous while facing viva in the presence of other students
and 35% of participants preferred online methods over traditional viva voce. Online viva voce can
be transparent (90%) and less biased (88%) if done in structured format.
CONCLUSION: Online viva‑voce may become relevant and effective in medical education
assessment with transparent marking system for students’ performance.


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