Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The effect of continuing care on patient’s quality‑of‑life after disc surgery in neurosurgery and very important person wards
Background: Today, lumbar herniation discs, a prevalent problem with a sign of lumbar and feetpain in society. Removal of disk by surgery decrease pain but reduce quality‑of‑life ... Read MoreThe impacts of a health belief model‑based educational program on adopting self‑care behaviors in pemphigus vulgaris patients
Introduction: Since pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a chronic disease and regarding its autoimmunenature, patients need to adopt self‑care behaviors. This study aimed to assess the impacts ... Read MoreA consumer informed workshop can improve knowledge and attitude to patient‑centered care among hospital clinicians‑in‑training
Purpose: Patient and family involvement in the education and training of medical practitionersincreases the likelihood that the care delivered will meet the needs of service users andcarers. ... Read MoreDeterminants of healthy lifestyle and its related factors among elderly people
Background: Medical and health advances have led to relative increases in human longevityand elderly population. Common diseases in elders can be prevented using healthy lifestyle.Identifying ... Read MoreA survey on cancer‑related nutritional information in Iranian popular magazines
Background: Due to the wide influence of public media, they become important communicationchannels for changing health beliefs and behaviors. One of the areas that have gained increasedattention ... Read MoreAssessment of dental student satisfaction with regard to process of thesis educational courses
Introduction: Ensuring achievement of research experience by students is one of the mostimportant goals of the thesis‑conduction process and evaluation of student satisfaction withthis ... Read MoreThe study of physical activity and some relative factors in referred pregnant women to Isfahan Health‑Care Centers and Shahid Beheshti Hospital
Background: Physical activity generally declines during pregnancy, but activity barriers duringthis period are not well understood. The objective was to determine physical activity ... Read MoreThe role of religious beliefs in pregnancy loss
Introduction: Birth can cause and post‑traumatic stresses in many women even when theoccasion of birth results in alive baby. Fetal death can challenge her understanding of justiceand ... Read MoreA survey of the relationship between work schedule and its effect on the fatigue of rescue personnel in Isfahan with a standard method of CIS202
Context: Fatigue is a factor that can have negative effects on family life, social relationshipand work. Work schedule is one of the affective factors on personnel’s fatigue in ... Read MoreRecognition of the efficacy of relaxation program on sleep quality of mothers with premature infants
Background and Aim: The postpartum period is a critical then effects on the structure of thefamily. Most women in the postpartum period may place at risk of undesirable experiences ... Read MoreExamining social‑cognitive predictors of parenting skills among mothers with preschool and early elementary school‑aged children
Context: Identification of parenting skills determinants among mothers is an ongoing fieldof research. Aims: The aim of this study was to identify the social cognitive predictors ofparenting ... Read MoreComparison of the effects of enteral feeding through the bolus and continuous methods on blood sugar and prealbumin levels in ICU inpatients
Background: Appropriate nutritional support is effective on achievement of expectedoutcomes in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Although several studies have suggesteddifferent conclusions ... Read MoreA survey on the effect of implementation of a family‑centered empowerment model on blood pressure and empowerment dimensions in the elderly people with hypertension
Background: Noncommunicable diseases such as Hypertension are among theimportant factors of mortality and morbidity of the elderly people. The family‑centeredempowerment model (FCEM) ... Read MoreKnowledge, risk perception, and behavioral intention about hepatitis C, among university students
Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major complex public health problem.Different resources have proved that healthcare workers more than the general populationare ... Read MoreStudy of the relationship between quality of life and socioeconomic status in Isfahan at 2011
Background: Quality of life (QOL) is one of the health indexes for which many efforts have beenmade to define and measure during the last four decades of the 20th century in many countries.This ... Read MoreHealth literacy among adults in Yazd, Iran
The purpose of this survey was to assess the health literacy levels and determine the relationshipbetween health literacy with demographic variables and the socioeconomic status Threehundred ... Read MoreEffect of educational intervention on knowledge, perceived benefits, barriers and self‑efficacy regarding AIDS preventive behaviors among drug addicts
Background and Objectives: Addicts account for approximately 68.15% of AIDS cases inIran and injection drug users are considered as a major factor in the spread of AIDS in Iran.The ... Read MoreRelationship between the components of on‑site training and emotional intelligence in the librarians of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University with moderating role of personality characteristics
Introduction: Training the man power is an inevitable necessity that the organizations need inorder to survive and develop in today changing world. Aims: The aim of the present study ... Read MoreEffect of public health nurses’ educational intervention on self‑care of the patients with type 2 diabetes
Background: Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease and the sixth cause of mortalityin the world. Most of the conducted studies show that the only way to control this disease ... Read MoreReproductive health care seeking behavior among urban slum women of Delhi
Background: The study tries to understand what are the dimensions of Reproductive Healthcare seeking behavior among the urban slum women in Delhi, their level of awareness andtreatment ... Read MoreRole of soap and water in the treatment of wound dehiscence compared to normal saline plus povidone‑iodine: A randomized clinical trial
Background: The incidence of cesarean section is increased. About 3–30% of the womenwho undergo cesarean experience surgical site infections (SSIs). Many methods, have beenused ... Read MoreThe impact of group training about parenting styles on maternal attitudes toward parenting styles
Background: Parenting style is one of the most important and effective factors in trainingand growth of children and adolescents and the method that parents communicate with theirchildren ... Read MoreThe relationship between weight gain during pregnancy and urinary tract infections in pregnant women of Shahrekord, by using the “Nested case‑control study”, in 2013
Background and Objectives: Pregnancy is one of the most important and risky periods inmothers and the fetus life, which plays a key role in health and social activity of the person,family ... Read MoreThe challenges of healthcare delivery to people with multiple sclerosis in Iran
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease prevalent in young and middle‑agedpeople. Patients with MS often have numerous complicated needs and, consequently, requirea ... Read MoreSouth African rural community understanding of fermented foods preparation and usage
Background: The benefits of fermented foods consumption have been demonstrated ina number of research reports. These qualities have been demonstrated, for example, toreduce childhood ... Read MorePhysical activity among employee women based on transtheoretical model
Introduction: Today, many jobs are associated with the inactivity or sedentary lifestyle.Employees’ health will be affected by their depriving of the benefits of physical activity ... Read MorePathology of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences based on Weisbord six box model and its relation with mental health
Background: The aim of this research was to study the pathology of Isfahan Universityof Medical Sciences based on Weisbord six box model and to find its relation with mentalhealth. ... Read MoreThe relationship between social capital and the way of spending leisure time, based on physical activities
Background: Today, social capital is a need in the society. Also, leisure time and physicalactivities are among the most important productive sources of social capital, which havebeen ... Read MoreEffect of peer education in school on sexual health knowledge and attitude in girl adolescents
Background: Adolescence is associated with so many changes, and to provide sexual health itis necessary for teenagers to learn enough knowledge about the changes and appropriate healthbehaviors. ... Read MoreMessages to promote physical activity: Are descriptors of required duration and intensity related to intentions to be more active?
Introduction: Mass‑media campaigns such as, “Change4Life’ in the UK and “getactive America” in the US, promote physical activity (PA) recommendations of at ... Read MoreEffect of information literacy training course on information literacy skills of undergraduate students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences based on ACRL standards
Background: Information literacy is the basis for lifelong learning. Information literacy skills,especially for student in an environment that is full of information from multiple technologiesare ... Read MoreEvaluating the clinical quality of departments as viewed by juniors and seniors of Shiraz dental school
Introduction: Assessment of students’ perspective is an essential element in effective educationalquality evaluation. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, it leads to improvement ... Read MoreThe effect of implementation of family‑centered empowerment model on the self‑esteem of the old people with hypertension
Introduction: Noncommunicable diseases are recognized as the major cause of oldpeople’s death. One of the models concerning the family health level is the family‑centeredempowerment ... Read MoreHealth and healthy human being in Islamic thought: Reflection on application for the nursing concept – A philosophical inquiry
Introduction: Health and healthy human being as a core concept of nursing have attractedconsiderable attention in the Western literature but have received less attention in the contextof ... Read MoreFluoride exposure and its health risk assessment in drinking water and staple food in the population of Dayyer, Iran, in 2013
Aims: The aims of this study were to determine fluoride concentration in drinking water and staplefoods consumed by residents of Dayyer port (Bushehr province, south of Iran) and to ... Read MoreRoutine programs of health care systems as an opportunity toward communication skills training for family physicians: A randomized field trial
Background: To have high‑quality primary health care services, an adequate doctor–patientcommunication is necessary. Because of time restrictions and limited budget in health ... Read MoreEffect of self‑care education on the quality of life in patients with breast cancer