Document Type : Original Article
Background: Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease and the sixth cause of mortality
in the world. Most of the conducted studies show that the only way to control this disease and
prevent its disabling complications is constant administration of self‑care. Aim: This study
was conducted with the goal of determining the effect of public health nurses’ educational
intervention on the self‑care of the patients with type 2 diabetes who referred to Hazrat Ali clinic
in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: This is a two‑group two‑step clinical trial with a before–after
intervention design in which 50 patients with type 2 diabetes and with a mean age of 40–70 years
were selected and assigned to study (n = 25) and control (n = 25) groups by allotting them
even and add numbers. Educational intervention was conducted in the study group through
seven educational sessions. Mean scores of self‑care before and after interventions were
compared by Toobert and Glasgow brief self‑care activities questionnaire. Results: Results
showed no significant difference in the self‑care scores before intervention in the two
groups (P = 0.67, z = 0.43), but the mean score of self‑care showed a significant increase
after intervention in the study group, compared to the control group (P = 0.002, z = 3.14).
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it is suggested to provide constant education
of self‑care for diabetic patients in health care centers, with more emphasis on a change in
self‑care skills and behavior.
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