Document Type : Original Article
Introduction: Training the man power is an inevitable necessity that the organizations need in
order to survive and develop in today changing world. Aims: The aim of the present study is to
identify the relationship between the components of on‑site training and emotional intelligence
in librarians of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University with moderating
role of personality characteristics. Settings and Design: Descriptive correlation method was
used in the present study. The statistical population of the study was all of the 157 librarians
of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University from whom the appointed
individuals were selected through random sampling method. Subjects and Methods: The
research tools included the researcher‑made questionnaire of investigating the effectiveness of
on‑site training system and two other standard questionnaires of Shrink emotional intelligence,
and NEO personality questionnaire, which all of them had the needed reliability and validity.
Statistical Analysis: The descriptive indices (distribution and mean) and also the inferential
methods (Pearson correlation, regression analysis and analysis of variance) were used through
applying version 20 of SPSS software to analyze the obtained data. Results: There was a
significant relationship with certainty level of 95% between the components of on‑site training
with emotional intelligence in those who obtained low grades in the features of being extrovert
and between the individual aspects of on‑site training with emotional intelligence in those who
got higher grades in the characteristic of being extrovert. Conclusion: The emotional intelligence
is a promotable skill and considering the existence of a significant relationship between some
components of emotional intelligence and on‑site training, these skills can be institutionalized
through conducting mentioned educational courses.
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