Document Type : Original Article



Background: The study tries to understand what are the dimensions of Reproductive Health
care seeking behavior among the urban slum women in Delhi, their level of awareness and
treatment seeking patterns? Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in one of the
slum in south district of Delhi. 253 women of reproductive age group were selected by systematic
random sampling. Interpersonal interview was conducted to seek information on the selected
parameter. Results: Around three/fourth women had undergone for blood pressure check up,
weight recording and stomach/abdomen check up during pregnancy. Only 39.9% received
advice on avoiding intake of medicine during pregnancy. About 14.6% mentioned that at least
40 days rest were required for resuming daily routine activities after delivery. Thus majority of
these slum women are ignorant about the importance of post natal care which was necessary
for post delivery care of the women and her infant. Conclusion: The correct knowledge on the
importance of ANC and PNC and various checkups need to be carried out during pregnancy
and postnatal period needs to be imparted to these women. Thus, health education and health
promotion campaigns are needed for bring changes in the existing health‑seeking behaviors
among urban slum women.


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