Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Checking the relationship between physicians’ communication skills and outpatients’ satisfaction in the clinics of Isfahan Al‑Zahra(S) Hospital in 2011
Introduction: The quality of communication skills of health care providers has a significantimpact on patient treatment consequences. Aims: The present research has been conducted tocheck ... Read MoreThe relationship between sociability and productivity
Introduction: When productivity is in the same way with culture and organized socialization, it isthe gem of organization that can ensure stableness and survival of the organizations ... Read MoreWomen health heart project: Methodology and effect of interventional strategies on low education participants
Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most common cause of mortality andmorbidity in women. Intervention programs aimed at improving the lifestyle can reduce theincidence ... Read MoreEvaluation of growth and development pattern in normal, low and very low birth weight neonates at 18 months of age
Introduction: Growth and development monitoring could lead to general judgment aboutchildren’s health. With advances in NICUs establishment, the survival rate of very low birthweight ... Read MorePreconception interventions in infertile couples
Background:Preconception interventions in infertile couples can increase the chance ofpregnancy and lower its complications. The success in infertility treatment and achieving asuccessful ... Read MoreThe relationship between cultural intelligence and social compatibility in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences dormitories resident students
Introduction: Cultural intelligence and social compatibility are two acquired processes that theireducation and reinforcement between dormitory’s students who have inter cultural ... Read MoreA study on scientific collaboration and co‑authorship patterns in library and information science studies in Iran between 2005 and 2009
Background: Scientific collaboration is among the most important subjects in scientometrics, andmany studies have investigated this concept to this day. The goal of the current study ... Read MoreAssessing the service quality of Iran military hospitals: Joint Commission International standards and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique
Background: Military hospitals are responsible for preserving, restoring and improving the health ofnot only armed forces, but also other people. According to the military organizations ... Read MoreMothers’ perceptions of fever in children
Background: Fever is one of the most common symptoms for children. Most fevers are notdangerous; parents, especially mothers, nevertheless experience severe anxiety confrontingchildren’s ... Read MoreDoes spiritual care program affect levels of depression in patients with Leukemia? A randomized clinical trial
Background: Although 25‑33% of patients with non‑hematological malignancies suffer fromdepression disorder, some studies have reported the rate among patients with leukemia ashigh ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between information literacy and academic performance among students
Background: Nowadays, no student can ever pursue the ends of his studies unless he makesuse of his information literacy skills. To become lifelong learners, they do need these skills.Information ... Read MoreChecking the determinants of physical activity based on the theory of planned behavior in the housewives
Background: Sedentary life has been recognized as a serious problem in today’sIranian society. Promoting the lifestyle with increased physical activity and prevention ofcardiovascular ... Read MoreA study on literature obsolescence and core journals’ cost‑benefit in citations of the ‘Scientific Medical Journal of Ahwaz’
Introduction: One of the methods of identifying core and popular resources is by citationevaluation. Using citation evaluation, the librarians of the Acquisition Department can usequantitative ... Read MoreThe effective factors on library anxiety of students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: The efficient use of libraries can be an important factor in determining theeducational quality of Universities. Therefore, investigation and identification of factors ... Read MorePsychometric testing of an instrument designed to measure nutritional perceptions of hypertensive patients
Introduction: Measurement tools designed to ensure the achievements of studies’ objectivesmust be evaluated. Based on the health promotion model (HPM), the present study wasconducted ... Read MoreThe effects of non‑attendance information therapy on the control of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) in type 2 diabetic patients
Introduction: Patient education plays an important role in the control of diabetes. Nonattendanceeducation, enabling elimination of limitations caused by time and space and facilitating ... Read MoreThe effect of group bibliotherapy on the self-esteem of female students living in dormitory
Introduction: Bibliotherapy is a supplement, simple, inexpensive and readily availablemethod to treat the diseases that is performed with cooperation of librarians andpsychologists ... Read MoreComparison on information‑seeking behavior of postgraduated students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and University of Isfahan in writing dissertation based on Kuhlthau model of information search process
Introduction: Information‑seeking behaviors have been one of the main focuses of researchersin order to identify and solve the problems users face in information recovery. The aim ... Read MorePublic health measures to curtail infant mortality
Read MoreFactors related to adopting healthy behaviors by patients with tuberculosis in Isfahan: Application of health belief model
Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosiscomplex. It is one of the most common infectious diseases largely resulting from the patient’s ... Read MoreRetinopathy risk factors in type II diabetic patients using factor analysis and discriminant analysis
Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Incidence andprevalence of diabetes are increasing in developing countries as well as in Iran. Retinopathy ... Read MoreThe effects of applying information technology on job empowerment dimensions
Information Technology (IT) is known as a valuable tool for information dissemination. Today,information communication technology can be used as a powerful tool to improve employees’quality ... Read MoreInformation‑seeking behavior of cardiovascular disease patients in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences hospitals
Background: Patients, as one of the most prominent groups requiring health‑based information,encounter numerous problems in order to obtain these pieces of information and apply them. ... Read MoreEfficacy of purposeful educational workshop on nursing care
Background: This study aimed to define the efficacy of a nursing care educational workshopon nurses’ knowledge and attitude until 3 months after holding the workshop in psychiatricwards ... Read MoreIranian nurses’ perception of essential competences in disaster response: A qualitative study
Background: Today disasters, natural and man‑made, are a part of many people’s lives. Iranhas a long history of disaster events. Nurses are one of the most significant groups ... Read MoreMeasuring Iranian women’s sexual behaviors: Expert opinion
The cultural compatibility of sexually related instruments is problematic because the contextsfrom which the concepts and meanings were extracted may be significantly different fromrelated ... Read MoreThe effect of educational intervention on girl’s behavior regarding nutrition: Applying the beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and enabling factors
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an educationalprogram based on the Belief, Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Enabling Factors (BASNEF) Modelon ... Read MoreEffect of book reviewing workshop on awareness of, aptitude for and attitude toward book reviews in faculty members of faculty of management and medical information
Introduction: Works evaluation and critique is one of the most important phases in scientificproduction cycle. Reviewers need some aptitude about rules and principles of writing good ... Read MoreEffect of education on preventive behaviors of breast cancer in female teachers of guidance schools of Zahedan city based on health belief model
Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in females. Methods ofscreening are the best among early detection methods. The goal of this study is effect ofeducation ... Read MoreRecognition of medical errors’ reporting system dimensions in educational hospitals