Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Health Education, College of Medical Sciences, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
2 Department of Health Education and Promotion
3 Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in females. Methods of
screening are the best among early detection methods. The goal of this study is effect of
education on preventive behaviors of breast cancer in female teachers of guidance schools
of Zahedan city based on health belief model Materials and Methods: This study was a
semi‑experimental, a kind of case‑control research. This study was carried on 240 female
teachers in guidance schools, Zahedan city, in 2011‑2012 academic years with multi‑stage
sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire that was used after confirmation of validity
and reliability. Data were collected with questionnaire after analysis, educational intervention
with lecture, view video, group discussion, question and answer performed. Two month after
intervention, secondary evaluation was performed. Collected data with SPSS software and
appropriate statistical tests like: Paired t‑test, independent t‑test, regression analysis, Chi‑square
were analyzed. Results: Persons mean age in this study was 39.40(±7.4) years. In awareness
item and health belief model constructs (awareness, perceived susceptibility, perceived
seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self‑efficiency, behavior) and also practice,
paired t‑test showed significant difference among before and after education (P > 0.0001).In two
groups based on Chi‑square in level of education and married status, there were no significant
differences. Also, regression analysis outcomes showed that perceived barriers had the most
effect on behavior, and this construct could be predictor of preventive behaviors from breast
cancer. Conclusions: The findings of this study could conclude that educational programs
designed based on the health belief model have significant impact on improving preventive
treatment of breast cancer. Given the fact that Iran has a very high incidence of breast cancer,
since Iranian women’s awareness level and performance specially research samples according
to educational level (associate degree and
higher) and employment conditions as
model for today girls and future mothers in
breast cancer screening before educational
intervention was very low. So, due to need,
increasing women’s awareness in health
belief model framework to promote preventive
behaviors is recommended.
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