Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center

2 Department of Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Although 25‑33% of patients with non‑hematological malignancies suffer from
depression disorder, some studies have reported the rate among patients with leukemia as
high as 50%. Furthermore, based on studies chronic disease such as leukemia increases the
patients’ spiritual needs and may accelerate the patient problems. Therefore, spirituality has
a significant role in adapting to leukemia and coping with its consequent mental disorders
such as depression. Owing to the spirituality aspect importance and contradictory results of
previous research, this study was hence performed to determine the effects of a spiritual care
program on depression of patients with leukemia. Materials and Methods: This randomized
clinical trial was conducted in specialized cancer treatment center affiliated to Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences (Isfahan, Iran). A total of 64 adult patients with leukemia were
randomly divided into experiment and control groups. The spiritual care program including
supportive presence and support for religious rituals was implemented for 3 days. Depression
sub‑scale of 42‑item depression, anxiety and stress scale‑42 was completed before and after
the intervention for both groups. Data was analyzed using ANCOVA, Mann‑Whitney U‑test,
Chi‑square, in SPSS statistical software (version 18, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Results: After
the intervention, mean score of depression was significantly lower in the experiment group
than in the control group (P < 0.01). Comparison the mean score of depression in two groups,
revealed the decrees in mean score of depression 11.09 (8.47) after spiritual care program
that it was significant (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Our spiritual care program could successfully
decrease depression level in patients with leukemia and nurses have to apply a holistic care
approach with emphasis on spiritual care to decrease depression, so paid attention to spiritual
aspect of patients accompanying with physical aspects in therapy process is recommended.


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